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Respect for Bro. Jed

September 18, 1998 

Dear Brother Jed, 

I was out there with the crowd for a good while (3+ hrs), and I was one of the ones remaining when we ended. I just want to say that while I can't agree with your message, I commend you for what you're doing. To come out and preach to the college crowd, that's brave.

You are helping to make college what it really should be: an open discussion/forum of ideas, where beliefs and opinions are traded civilly (for the most part), and people are exposed to a diverse range of ideas, and sometimes drawn to question their own. Please do come back again; I'll be there. By the way, you should know that even most of the people who argued with you the most don't think you're a "bad guy." 

In a different take on an age-old saying, they don't like the message, but they respect the messenger. Anyways, I wish you safe travels, and though I won't wish you success for spreading your message, I will wish you success on stimulating more thought-provoking intellectual debate and discussion. 




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The Four Questions

  • Origin? Meaning? Morals? Destiny?

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Word From Bro. Jed

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