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Saved in a Terre Haute Meeting


08/26/08 12:12 PM 

Brother Jed, I do not know if you will remember me or not but I was thinking about you the other day and decided to see if you had a website and I could get your email address. 

My name is Kent Grimes and I was a friend of Ron Allee's from Greencastle, Indiana. I called on the Lord for salvation in your meeting in Terre Haute at the Church that Max Lynch was pastoring at the at time. Shortly thereafter I was filled with the Holy Ghost at a meeting your were doing north of Rockville Indiana in an Assembly of God meeting. Also, subsequently I traveled with you, Ron, Max, to several campuses around the Midwest before a short while before being called to Pastor. 

Anyway, Brother Jed, I have often heard of your preaching around IU and ISU and Purdue and elsewhere, and I do admire your boldness for the Lord and praise God for the amazing testimony of how the Lord saved you. Even though I would often hear it night after night and day after day when I was with you I never tired of hearing what the Lord did in your life. It still rings with me through the power of the Holy Ghost. 

I loved reading your eulogy to Brother Max and say a hearty Amen to the amazing man of God he was indeed. I was so young in the Lord at that time I don't think I fully appreciated either of you the way I should have and I regret that. However, I do give the Lord praise for your influence in my life...as well as Brother Ron Allee and Brother Max. Brother Jed, if I count all the nieces and nephews and my children and grandchildren I believe it would number over 40 or 50 who have come to the Lord since I got saved! Wow. So when you reach one for the Lord you really never know the kind of ripple effect it can have! 

I know that you must have a beautiful family. I have 5 children as well...3 girls and two boys, and my youngest is 20 and oldest is 30 now. I have 4 tremendous grandchildren! My wife of 24 years passed away 8 years ago to breast cancer. We miss her dearly but know that she is with the Lord. My determination is to spend the latter years win more, reaching more then I ever have before in my life for the Lord Jesus Christ. I have asked the Lord that "the latter is greater than the former," and I am trusting Him to do it. 

Brother, I thought I would write and let you know that you are in my prayers.

Love in Christ,

Brother Kent Grimes 

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