Bro. Max Lynch

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Tribute to Bro. Max Lynch


Thu, 18 Mar 2004  

Brother Jed, 

I know it has been several years since his passing, but I just became aware of it a few moments ago. I wanted to pass along my condolences to his family and you are the only one I knew of who was familiar with him outside of the Purdue Campus.


I was a student at purdue from 1985 til 1992 and during that time I spent many days doing nothing more than listening to Brother Max. I admittedly heckled him from time to time, but I always admired him for his faith and kindness to others. I had one opportunity to speak one on one with him after one of his preaching sessions and we spoke for the better part of 30 minutes and, while I am not a convert, I found him to be one of the most lucid, intelligent, and kind men of faith I have had the opportunity to meet.


This did not stop me from arriving to heckle him once again when he returned to campus, but it always sat in my mind that he was one of the great men who stand up for what they believe in. He did this with his religious fervor that is comical to some, but I can still remember his preaching. From the Highway to Hell to the Timeline, his preaching were some of the most memorable that I have and will experience.


My friends remember him as calling them fornicators and drunkards and most of them took and some still take offense to it. Funny thing is, he was right. We were in a serious state of personal depravity that most of us have matured out of and hopefully in our own way accepted God into our lives. I was an agnostic during my years at Purdue, but my faith was renewed years later. In part, I credit Brother Max with that. I just recalled that the day that I spoke to Max on campus was his birthday, I believe it was his 50th but do not recall for certain. I just remember that in spite of his desire to travel to his home and in spite of the fact that I had heckled him during the day, he took the time to speak to me in kindness. 


I sit here at my desk at work with tears in my eyes for a great man who has become a memory. It is a shame that my children will not have the opportunity to see him preach as it was a sight to behold and something that one will remember til the end of their days. If you can contact his family, tell them Thank You. Thank you for supporting him in his preaching, thank you for allowing him to become part of so many people's lives. His sacrifice of time will not be forgotten.




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