Bible Cross References
sing the song
Exodus 15:1-18
Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the LORD: "I will sing to the LORD, because he has won a glorious victory; he has thrown the horses and their riders into the sea.
The LORD is my strong defender; he is the one who has saved me. He is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will sing about his greatness.
The LORD is a warrior; the LORD is his name.
"He threw Egypt's army and its chariots into the sea; the best of its officers were drowned in the Red Sea.
The deep sea covered them; they sank to the bottom like a stone.
"Your right hand, LORD, is awesome in power; it breaks the enemy in pieces.
In majestic triumph you overthrow your foes; your anger blazes out and burns them up like straw.
You blew on the sea and the water piled up high; it stood up straight like a wall; the deepest part of the sea became solid.
The enemy said, 'I will pursue them and catch them; I will divide their wealth and take all I want; I will draw my sword and take all they have.'
But one breath from you, LORD, and the Egyptians were drowned; they sank like lead in the terrible water.
" LORD, who among the gods is like you? Who is like you, wonderful in holiness? Who can work miracles and mighty acts like yours?
You stretched out your right hand, and the earth swallowed our enemies.
Faithful to your promise, you led the people you had rescued; by your strength you guided them to your sacred land.
The nations have heard, and they tremble with fear; the Philistines are seized with terror.
The leaders of Edom are terrified; Moab's mighty men are trembling; the people of Canaan lose their courage.
Terror and dread fall upon them. They see your strength, O LORD, and stand helpless with fear until your people have marched past--- the people you set free from slavery.
You bring them in and plant them on your mountain, the place that you, LORD, have chosen for your home, the Temple that you yourself have built.
You, LORD, will be king forever and ever."
Deuteronomy 31:30
Then Moses recited the entire song while all the people of Israel listened.
Deuteronomy 32:1-43
"Earth and sky, hear my words, listen closely to what I say.
My teaching will fall like drops of rain and form on the earth like dew. My words will fall like showers on young plants, like gentle rain on tender grass.
I will praise the name of the LORD, and his people will tell of his greatness.
"The LORD is your mighty defender, perfect and just in all his ways; Your God is faithful and true; he does what is right and fair.
But you are unfaithful, unworthy to be his people, a sinful and deceitful nation.
Is this the way you should treat the LORD, you foolish, senseless people? He is your father, your Creator, he made you into a nation.
"Think of the past, of the time long ago; ask your parents to tell you what happened, ask the old people to tell of the past.
The Most High assigned nations their lands; he determined where peoples should live. He assigned to each nation a heavenly being,
but Jacob's descendants he chose for himself.
"He found them wandering through the desert, a desolate, wind-swept wilderness. He protected them and cared for them, as he would protect himself.
Like an eagle teaching its young to fly, catching them safely on its spreading wings, the LORD kept Israel from falling.
The LORD alone led his people without the help of a foreign god.
"He let them rule the highlands, and they ate what grew in the fields. They found wild honey among the rocks; their olive trees flourished in stony ground.
Their cows and goats gave plenty of milk; they had the best sheep, goats, and cattle, the finest wheat, and the choicest wine.
"The LORD's people grew rich, but rebellious; they were fat and stuffed with food. They abandoned God their Creator and rejected their mighty savior.
Their idolatry made the LORD jealous; the evil they did made him angry.
They sacrificed to gods that are not real, new gods their ancestors had never known, gods that Israel had never obeyed.
They forgot their God, their mighty savior, the one who had given them life.
"When the LORD saw this, he was angry and rejected his sons and daughters.
'I will no longer help them,' he said; 'then I will see what happens to them, those stubborn, unfaithful people.
With their idols they have made me angry, jealous with their so-called gods, gods that are really not gods. So I will use a so-called nation to make them angry; I will make them jealous with a nation of fools.
My anger will flame up like fire and burn everything on earth. It will reach to the world below and consume the roots of the mountains.
" 'I will bring on them endless disasters and use all my arrows against them.
They will die from hunger and fever; they will die from terrible diseases. I will send wild animals to attack them, and poisonous snakes to bite them.
War will bring death in the streets; terrors will strike in the homes. Young men and young women will die; neither babies nor old people will be spared.
I would have destroyed them completely, so that no one would remember them.
But I could not let their enemies boast that they had defeated my people, when it was I myself who had crushed them.'
"Israel is a nation without sense; they have no wisdom at all.
They fail to see why they were defeated; they cannot understand what happened.
Why were a thousand defeated by one, and ten thousand by only two? The LORD, their God, had abandoned them; their mighty God had given them up.
Their enemies know that their own gods are weak, not mighty like Israel's God.
Their enemies, corrupt as Sodom and Gomorrah, are like vines that bear bitter and poisonous grapes,
like wine made from the venom of snakes.
"The LORD remembers what their enemies have done; he waits for the right time to punish them.
The LORD will take revenge and punish them; the time will come when they will fall; the day of their doom is near.
The LORD will rescue his people when he sees that their strength is gone. He will have mercy on those who serve him, when he sees how helpless they are.
Then the LORD will ask his people, 'Where are those mighty gods you trusted?
You fed them the fat of your sacrifices and offered them wine to drink. Let them come and help you now; let them run to your rescue.
" 'I, and I alone, am God; no other god is real. I kill and I give life, I wound and I heal, and no one can oppose what I do.
As surely as I am the living God, I raise my hand and I vow
that I will sharpen my flashing sword and see that justice is done. I will take revenge on my enemies and punish those who hate me.
My arrows will drip with their blood, and my sword will kill all who oppose me. I will spare no one who fights against me; even the wounded and prisoners will die.'
"Nations, you must praise the LORD's people--- he punishes all who kill them. He takes revenge on his enemies and forgives the sins of his people."
the servant
Deuteronomy 34:5
So Moses, the LORD's servant, died there in the land of Moab, as the LORD had said he would.
1 Chronicles 6:49
Aaron and his descendants presented the offerings of incense and offered the sacrifices that were burnt on the altar. They were responsible for all the worship in the Most Holy Place and for the sacrifices by which God forgives Israel's sins. They did all this in accordance with the instructions given by Moses, God's servant.
2 Chronicles 24:6
so he called in Jehoiada, their leader, and demanded, "Why haven't you seen to it that the Levites collect from Judah and Jerusalem the tax which Moses, the servant of the LORD, required the people to pay for support of the Tent of the LORD's presence?"
Nehemiah 9:14
You taught them to keep your Sabbaths holy, and through your servant Moses you gave them your laws.
Daniel 6:20
When he got there, he called out anxiously, "Daniel, servant of the living God! Was the God you serve so loyally able to save you from the lions?"
Daniel 9:11
All Israel broke your laws and refused to listen to what you said. We sinned against you, and so you brought on us the curses that are written in the Law of Moses, your servant.
John 1:17
God gave the Law through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
Hebrews 3:5
Moses was faithful in God's house as a servant, and he spoke of the things that God would say in the future.
and the song
Revelation 5:9-13
They sang a new song: "You are worthy to take the scroll and to break open its seals. For you were killed, and by your sacrificial death you bought for God people from every tribe, language, nation, and race.
You have made them a kingdom of priests to serve our God, and they shall rule on earth."
Again I looked, and I heard angels, thousands and millions of them! They stood around the throne, the four living creatures, and the elders,
and sang in a loud voice: "The Lamb who was killed is worthy to receive power, wealth, wisdom, and strength, honor, glory, and praise!"
And I heard every creature in heaven, on earth, in the world below, and in the sea---all living beings in the universe---and they were singing: "To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb, be praise and honor, glory and might, forever and ever!"
Revelation 7:10
They called out in a loud voice: "Salvation comes from our God, who sits on the throne, and from the Lamb!"
Revelation 7:11
All the angels stood around the throne, the elders, and the four living creatures. Then they threw themselves face downward in front of the throne and worshiped God,
Revelation 14:3
The 144,000 people stood before the throne, the four living creatures, and the elders; they were singing a new song, which only they could learn. Of the whole human race they are the only ones who have been redeemed.
Revelation 14:8
A second angel followed the first one, saying, "She has fallen! Great Babylon has fallen! She made all peoples drink her wine---the strong wine of her immoral lust!"
Exodus 15:11
" LORD, who among the gods is like you? Who is like you, wonderful in holiness? Who can work miracles and mighty acts like yours?
Job 5:9
We cannot understand the great things he does, and to his miracles there is no end.
Deuteronomy 32:4
"The LORD is your mighty defender, perfect and just in all his ways; Your God is faithful and true; he does what is right and fair.
Psalm 78:12
While their ancestors watched, God performed miracles in the plain of Zoan in the land of Egypt.
Psalm 105:5
You descendants of Abraham, his servant; you descendants of Jacob, the man he chose: remember the miracles that God performed and the judgments that he gave.
Psalm 111:2
How wonderful are the things the LORD does! All who are delighted with them want to understand them.
Psalm 118:22
The stone which the builders rejected as worthless turned out to be the most important of all.
Psalm 118:23
This was done by the LORD; what a wonderful sight it is!
Psalm 139:14
I praise you because you are to be feared; all you do is strange and wonderful. I know it with all my heart.
Psalm 145:6
People will speak of your mighty deeds, and I will proclaim your greatness.
Daniel 4:2
Listen to my account of the wonders and miracles which the Supreme God has shown me.
Daniel 4:3
"How great are the wonders God shows us! How powerful are the miracles he performs! God is king forever; he will rule for all time.
Lord God Almighty
Revelation 4:8
Each one of the four living creatures had six wings, and they were covered with eyes, inside and out. Day and night they never stop singing: "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord God Almighty, who was, who is, and who is to come."
Revelation 11:17
saying: "Lord God Almighty, the one who is and who was! We thank you that you have taken your great power and have begun to rule!
Genesis 17:1
When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the LORD appeared to him and said, "I am the Almighty God. Obey me and always do what is right.
Revelation 16:5-7
I heard the angel in charge of the waters say, "The judgments you have made are just, O Holy One, you who are and who were!
They poured out the blood of God's people and of the prophets, and so you have given them blood to drink. They are getting what they deserve!"
Then I heard a voice from the altar saying, "Lord God Almighty! True and just indeed are your judgments!"
Revelation 19:2
True and just are his judgments! He has condemned the prostitute who was corrupting the earth with her immorality. God has punished her because she killed his servants."
Deuteronomy 32:4
"The LORD is your mighty defender, perfect and just in all his ways; Your God is faithful and true; he does what is right and fair.
Psalm 85:10
Love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will embrace.
Psalm 85:11
Human loyalty will reach up from the earth, and God's righteousness will look down from heaven.
Psalm 99:4
Mighty king, you love what is right; you have established justice in Israel; you have brought righteousness and fairness.
Psalm 100:5
The LORD is good; his love is eternal and his faithfulness lasts forever.
Psalm 145:17
The LORD is righteous in all he does, merciful in all his acts.
Isaiah 45:21
Come and present your case in court; let the defendants consult one another. Who predicted long ago what would happen? Was it not I, the LORD, the God who saves his people? There is no other god.
Hosea 14:9
May those who are wise understand what is written here, and may they take it to heart. The LORD's ways are right, and righteous people live by following them, but sinners stumble and fall because they ignore them.
Micah 7:20
You will show your faithfulness and constant love to your people, the descendants of Abraham and of Jacob, as you promised our ancestors long ago.
Zephaniah 3:5
But the LORD is still in the city; he does what is right and never what is wrong. Every morning without fail, he brings justice to his people. And yet the unrighteous people there keep on doing wrong and are not ashamed.
Isaiah 9:6
A child is born to us! A son is given to us! And he will be our ruler. He will be called, "Wonderful Counselor," "Mighty God," "Eternal Father," "Prince of Peace."
Isaiah 9:7
His royal power will continue to grow; his kingdom will always be at peace. He will rule as King David's successor, basing his power on right and justice, from now until the end of time. The LORD Almighty is determined to do all this.
Isaiah 32:1
Some day there will be a king who rules with integrity, and national leaders who govern with justice.
Isaiah 32:2
Each of them will be like a shelter from the wind and a place to hide from storms. They will be like streams flowing in a desert, like the shadow of a giant rock in a barren land.
Isaiah 33:22
All the rigging on those ships is useless; the sails cannot be spread! We will seize all the wealth of enemy armies, and there will be so much that even the lame can get a share. The LORD himself will be our king; he will rule over us and protect us.
Zechariah 9:9
Rejoice, rejoice, people of Zion! Shout for joy, you people of Jerusalem! Look, your king is coming to you! He comes triumphant and victorious, but humble and riding on a donkey--- on a colt, the foal of a donkey.
Revelation 17:14
They will fight against the Lamb; but the Lamb, together with his called, chosen, and faithful followers, will defeat them, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings."
Revelation 19:16
On his robe and on his thigh was written the name: "King of kings and Lord of lords."