Bible Cross References
to Antioch
Acts 15:30-35
The messengers were sent off and went to Antioch, where they gathered the whole group of believers and gave them the letter.
When the people read it, they were filled with joy by the message of encouragement.
Judas and Silas, who were themselves prophets, spoke a long time with them, giving them courage and strength.
After spending some time there, they were sent off in peace by the believers and went back to those who had sent them.
Paul and Barnabas spent some time in Antioch, and together with many others they taught and preached the word of the Lord.
I withstood
Galatians 2:5
but in order to keep the truth of the gospel safe for you, we did not give in to them for a minute.
2 Corinthians 5:16
No longer, then, do we judge anyone by human standards. Even if at one time we judged Christ according to human standards, we no longer do so.
2 Corinthians 11:5
I do not think that I am the least bit inferior to those very special so-called "apostles" of yours!
2 Corinthians 11:21-28
I am ashamed to admit that we were too timid to do those things! But if anyone dares to boast about something---I am talking like a fool---I will be just as daring.
Are they Hebrews? So am I. Are they Israelites? So am I. Are they Abraham's descendants? So am I.
Are they Christ's servants? I sound like a madman---but I am a better servant than they are! I have worked much harder, I have been in prison more times, I have been whipped much more, and I have been near death more often.
Five times I was given the thirty-nine lashes by the Jews;
three times I was whipped by the Romans; and once I was stoned. I have been in three shipwrecks, and once I spent twenty-four hours in the water.
In my many travels I have been in danger from floods and from robbers, in danger from my own people and from Gentiles; there have been dangers in the cities, dangers in the wilds, dangers on the high seas, and dangers from false friends.
There has been work and toil; often I have gone without sleep; I have been hungry and thirsty; I have often been without enough food, shelter, or clothing.
And not to mention other things, every day I am under the pressure of my concern for all the churches.
2 Corinthians 12:11
I am acting like a fool---but you have made me do it. You are the ones who ought to show your approval of me. For even if I am nothing, I am in no way inferior to those very special "apostles" of yours.
1 Timothy 5:20
Rebuke publicly all those who commit sins, so that the rest may be afraid.
Jude 1:3
My dear friends, I was doing my best to write to you about the salvation we share in common, when I felt the need of writing at once to encourage you to fight on for the faith which once and for all God has given to his people.
Exodus 32:21
He said to Aaron, "What did these people do to you, that you have made them commit such a terrible sin?"
Exodus 32:22
Aaron answered, "Don't be angry with me; you know how determined these people are to do evil.
Numbers 20:12
But the LORD reprimanded Moses and Aaron. He said, "Because you did not have enough faith to acknowledge my holy power before the people of Israel, you will not lead them into the land that I promised to give them."
Jeremiah 1:17
Get ready, Jeremiah; go and tell them everything I command you to say. Do not be afraid of them now, or I will make you even more afraid when you are with them.
Jonah 1:3
Jonah, however, set out in the opposite direction in order to get away from the LORD. He went to Joppa, where he found a ship about to go to Spain. He paid his fare and went aboard with the crew to sail to Spain, where he would be away from the LORD.
Jonah 4:3
Now then, LORD, let me die. I am better off dead than alive."
Jonah 4:4
The LORD answered, "What right do you have to be angry?"
Jonah 4:9
But God said to him, "What right do you have to be angry about the plant?" Jonah replied, "I have every right to be angry---angry enough to die!"
Matthew 16:17
"Good for you, Simon son of John!" answered Jesus. "For this truth did not come to you from any human being, but it was given to you directly by my Father in heaven.
Matthew 16:18
And so I tell you, Peter: you are a rock, and on this rock foundation I will build my church, and not even death will ever be able to overcome it.
Matthew 16:23
Jesus turned around and said to Peter, "Get away from me, Satan! You are an obstacle in my way, because these thoughts of yours don't come from God, but from human nature."
Acts 15:37-39
Barnabas wanted to take John Mark with them,
but Paul did not think it was right to take him, because he had not stayed with them to the end of their mission, but had turned back and left them in Pamphylia.
There was a sharp argument, and they separated: Barnabas took Mark and sailed off for Cyprus,
Acts 23:1-5
Paul looked straight at the Council and said, "My fellow Israelites! My conscience is perfectly clear about the way in which I have lived before God to this very day."
The High Priest Ananias ordered those who were standing close to Paul to strike him on the mouth.
Paul said to him, "God will certainly strike you---you whitewashed wall! You sit there to judge me according to the Law, yet you break the Law by ordering them to strike me!"
The men close to Paul said to him, "You are insulting God's High Priest!"
Paul answered, "My fellow Israelites, I did not know that he was the High Priest. The scripture says, 'You must not speak evil of the ruler of your people.' "
James 3:2
All of us often make mistakes. But if a person never makes a mistake in what he says, he is perfect and is also able to control his whole being.
1 John 1:8-10
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and there is no truth in us.
But if we confess our sins to God, he will keep his promise and do what is right: he will forgive us our sins and purify us from all our wrongdoing.
If we say that we have not sinned, we make a liar out of God, and his word is not in us.