Bible Cross References
Acts 2:16-36
Instead, this is what the prophet Joel spoke about:
'This is what I will do in the last days, God says: I will pour out my Spirit on everyone. Your sons and daughters will proclaim my message; your young men will see visions, and your old men will have dreams.
Yes, even on my servants, both men and women, I will pour out my Spirit in those days, and they will proclaim my message.
I will perform miracles in the sky above and wonders on the earth below. There will be blood, fire, and thick smoke;
the sun will be darkened, and the moon will turn red as blood, before the great and glorious Day of the Lord comes.
And then, whoever calls out to the Lord for help will be saved.'
"Listen to these words, fellow Israelites! Jesus of Nazareth was a man whose divine authority was clearly proven to you by all the miracles and wonders which God performed through him. You yourselves know this, for it happened here among you.
In accordance with his own plan God had already decided that Jesus would be handed over to you; and you killed him by letting sinful men crucify him.
But God raised him from death, setting him free from its power, because it was impossible that death should hold him prisoner.
For David said about him, 'I saw the Lord before me at all times; he is near me, and I will not be troubled.
And so I am filled with gladness, and my words are full of joy. And I, mortal though I am, will rest assured in hope,
because you will not abandon me in the world of the dead; you will not allow your faithful servant to rot in the grave.
You have shown me the paths that lead to life, and your presence will fill me with joy.'
"My friends, I must speak to you plainly about our famous ancestor King David. He died and was buried, and his grave is here with us to this very day.
He was a prophet, and he knew what God had promised him: God had made a vow that he would make one of David's descendants a king, just as David was.
David saw what God was going to do in the future, and so he spoke about the resurrection of the Messiah when he said, 'He was not abandoned in the world of the dead; his body did not rot in the grave.'
God has raised this very Jesus from death, and we are all witnesses to this fact.
He has been raised to the right side of God, his Father, and has received from him the Holy Spirit, as he had promised. What you now see and hear is his gift that he has poured out on us.
For it was not David who went up into heaven; rather he said, 'The Lord said to my Lord: Sit here at my right side
until I put your enemies as a footstool under your feet.'
"All the people of Israel, then, are to know for sure that this Jesus, whom you crucified, is the one that God has made Lord and Messiah!"
Acts 3:22-26
For Moses said, 'The Lord your God will send you a prophet, just as he sent me, and he will be one of your own people. You are to obey everything that he tells you to do.
Anyone who does not obey that prophet shall be separated from God's people and destroyed.'
And all the prophets who had a message, including Samuel and those who came after him, also announced what has been happening these days.
The promises of God through his prophets are for you, and you share in the covenant which God made with your ancestors. As he said to Abraham, 'Through your descendants I will bless all the people on earth.'
And so God chose his Servant and sent him to you first, to bless you by making every one of you turn away from your wicked ways."
Acts 13:26-39
"My fellow Israelites, descendants of Abraham, and all Gentiles here who worship God: it is to us that this message of salvation has been sent!
For the people who live in Jerusalem and their leaders did not know that he is the Savior, nor did they understand the words of the prophets that are read every Sabbath. Yet they made the prophets' words come true by condemning Jesus.
And even though they could find no reason to pass the death sentence on him, they asked Pilate to have him put to death.
And after they had done everything that the Scriptures say about him, they took him down from the cross and placed him in a tomb.
But God raised him from death,
and for many days he appeared to those who had traveled with him from Galilee to Jerusalem. They are now witnesses for him to the people of Israel.
And we are here to bring the Good News to you: what God promised our ancestors he would do, he has now done for us, who are their descendants, by raising Jesus to life. As it is written in the second Psalm, 'You are my Son; today I have become your Father.'
And this is what God said about raising him from death, never to rot away in the grave: 'I will give you the sacred and sure blessings that I promised to David.'
As indeed he says in another passage, 'You will not allow your faithful servant to rot in the grave.'
For David served God's purposes in his own time, and then he died, was buried with his ancestors, and his body rotted in the grave.
But this did not happen to the one whom God raised from death.
All of you, my fellow Israelites, are to know for sure that it is through Jesus that the message about forgiveness of sins is preached to you; you are to know that everyone who believes in him is set free from all the sins from which the Law of Moses could not set you free.
Luke 24:26
Was it not necessary for the Messiah to suffer these things and then to enter his glory?"
Luke 24:27
And Jesus explained to them what was said about himself in all the Scriptures, beginning with the books of Moses and the writings of all the prophets.
Luke 24:32
They said to each other, "Wasn't it like a fire burning in us when he talked to us on the road and explained the Scriptures to us?"
Luke 24:44
Then he said to them, "These are the very things I told you about while I was still with you: everything written about me in the Law of Moses, the writings of the prophets, and the Psalms had to come true."
Luke 24:46
and said to them, "This is what is written: the Messiah must suffer and must rise from death three days later,
1 Corinthians 15:3
I passed on to you what I received, which is of the greatest importance: that Christ died for our sins, as written in the Scriptures;
1 Corinthians 15:4
that he was buried and that he was raised to life three days later, as written in the Scriptures;
1 Thessalonians 1:5
For we brought the Good News to you, not with words only, but also with power and the Holy Spirit, and with complete conviction of its truth. You know how we lived when we were with you; it was for your own good.
1 Thessalonians 1:6
You imitated us and the Lord; and even though you suffered much, you received the message with the joy that comes from the Holy Spirit.
Acts 2:36
"All the people of Israel, then, are to know for sure that this Jesus, whom you crucified, is the one that God has made Lord and Messiah!"
Acts 9:22
But Saul's preaching became even more powerful, and his proofs that Jesus was the Messiah were so convincing that the Jews who lived in Damascus could not answer him.
Acts 18:28
For with his strong arguments he defeated the Jews in public debates by proving from the Scriptures that Jesus is the Messiah.
Galatians 3:1
You foolish Galatians! Who put a spell on you? Before your very eyes you had a clear description of the death of Jesus Christ on the cross!
whom I preach
Acts 1:4
And when they came together, he gave them this order: "Do not leave Jerusalem, but wait for the gift I told you about, the gift my Father promised.