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Be the Head and Not the Tail

The greatest criticism of Joel Osteen is his wealth. There is no sin in gaining riches legitimately.

I suspect that a large portion of Osteen’s critics are in debt as a result of living beyond their means, which the Bible warns against. Others may be on the public dole, which means they are living on money forcibly taken from others. Both of these type criticizers tend to develop a victim mentality and are tail wagers. Osteen is a victor, who holds his head high. Selfish people resent his success. Right thinking people look upon him as a motivator.

Romans 13:8 exhorts, “Owe no one anything except to love one another, for he who loves another has fulfilled the law.” Proverbs 22:7 teaches that “The rich rules over the poor, and the borrower is the servant or slave of the lender.”

Some, like Osteen, are benevolently rich; others are selfishly rich and will attempt to keep the poor in a state of poverty and dependence upon the state. Osteen teaches men how to prosper and be independent from the government and the greedy (filthy) rich. Osteen removes the debtors' excuse to be in debt and in a state of poverty.

Some of the rich and poor serve mammon; others from these classes have mammon serve them as they serve God. As men are diligent in service and stewardship to God and others in a relatively free economy, they should not be debtors or poor for long.

A free economy rewards those who are providing goods and services at a price people are willing to pay. As for Joel Osteen, he offers the inspiration for men to become achievers and live up to their full potential in service to God and their fellows. Not only that, his encouragement is freely offered! The thankful should reward him in return.


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