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Three Saved During School of Evangelism

There were three souls saved the week of our School of Evangelism, October 5-9, 2015. 

Tuesday at Purdue University, Jorge Pina was preaching and the students were captivated by his handsome tie. One student in particular said that he would like to have it. "Would you use it if I gave it to you?" Jorge asked. "Yes!" He then asked if he had a tie, and the student replied that he had only one. Then Jorge gave him the tie, and the student, who's name was Alex, put it on right away. Alex then went over to talk to Mikhail who was kind to him. Later, Jorge and Ryan talked to Alex and he was open to salvation. They prayed together the prayer of salvation!

Thursday at Indiana University, the Spirit of God was really moving with a special anointing. As Jorge was preaching, he asked the crowd if anybody was ready to repent. A man name Joe raised his hand, and Jorge motioned him to come up in front of everybody. He then lead him in a prayer of repentance! The crowd was in a very somber mood as they watched. He later shared some scriptures with Joe.

Friday at Indiana State University, Sister Pat was sitting at a distance waiting for students to come up to her. After awhile a black boy named Denzal approached. Sister Pat asked, "What are you?" referring to whether he was a Christian or not. He replied, "I don't know what I am." He had godly parents and was a virgin. A homosexual guy approached and started talking to Sister Pat, but a black lady who came up got into a discussion with him and they walked off, leaving Sister Pat with Denzel again. Denzel didn't try to argue or defend himself, but was honestly seeking. Sister Pat prayed with him for salvation and for him to become a mighty man of God!


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The Four Questions

  • Origin? Meaning? Morals? Destiny?

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Word From Bro. Jed

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