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Twenty-Six Salvations: Winter Mission 2019

Joy in Heaven!!

As of Feb. 28th twenty-six students had prayed the prayer of repentance for salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ! Below are a few highlights!


Santa Fe College,  Gainesville, FL, Jan 8

   Stephen approached me with questions; soon he was defending me to the students and began to preach also. He continued speaking as Sis. Myrna Brother Jed Baptismsstirred up the audience.

   After I preached again, I was able to have personal conversation with Stephen. He confessed that there were still some sin issues which he was dealing with. He expressed an interest in being baptized. He said he did not know anyone to baptize him. I agreed to do it. I asked Bro. Frank if he thought that pouring water was adequate since there was not a place for immersion. He approved and affirmed that we should “seize the moment.”

   Bro. Frank wanted to buy a fresh bottle of water, since he had drunk out of the one that he had. Stephen interjected and reminded us that the Jordan River was not all that clean. That was a good point. I lead him away from the crowd upon a hilltop on the mall. I gave him instruction concerning baptism and asked him to confess in prayer before God and ask forgiveness. He was specific in naming certain sins. I then emptied the bottle of water over his head. We rejoiced for moments and then Bro. Frank laid hands upon him and prayed that the gifts we have would be passed upon him. This is the first time I remember baptizing anyone on campus.


Florida State University Jan.11-by Bro. Frank

   I arrived at the preaching area of the FSU campus at 8:30 AM. I did a Joshua prayer walk around the park seven times. I saw the water fountain and sprinkled water over the N,S,E and W and the preaching area, asking God that He would send living water to us today.

  At noon I was preaching hard to the crowd at FSU and a student came off the sidewalk to ask me why he deserved hell. He was not your typical student who needed lots of explanation. He believed immediately. He admitted he was a sinner!  I told him that the wages of sin was death but God had a plan to save people like him through the cross of Christ. I explained the need to be born again and have a relationship with God. He agreed to say the sinner’s prayer. It was the quickest witness and salvation that I ever experienced. I asked him if he was willing to turn from everything the Bible calls sin. He said firmly, "YES." I confirmed his belief that Jesus was God in the flesh and that He rose from the dead.

   This was visible to at least 100 students on the walking path. By now my excitement increased in the Holy Ghost and my voice was firm and loud, making it easy for all to hear. Joy filled my heart and I could not contain myself!

  One student stood watching slack-jawed. We said the sinner’s prayer and he thanked me.Bro Frank Baptizes Student

   Then I said hold on, the Bible teaches to be baptized too.

   He said "Okay."

   I told him that all I had was a cold-water bottle and that there were many students watching.

   He said, "I don't care what they think."

   As I poured the water over his head, I baptized him in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I told him to start reading the Bible in the NT and to go to church. He said he would!


Sam Houston St. Univ.  Jan. 24

On the sidelines, Leah approached Bro. Frank saying that she needed a deeper and stronger walk with the Lord. He encouraged her in the faith. Then asked, “Do you want to be baptized?” She affirmed that she did; so Frank called me over. I explained the significance of baptism. I showed her the bottle of water. Then I poured the whole bottle over her head.


Brother Jed Baptism



Air Force Man Finds Sister Cindy-35 Years Later

FEB. 2017 Email


     Through the years, I have repeated a story about a traveling evangelist who visited the University of Arkansas.  In the Fall of 1981, I was a freshman at the University of Arkansas.  One afternoon, a fellow student came into my dorm room and urged me to come to the Student Union fountain.  “Sister Cindy was in town and I needed to see this.”  I don’t think needing to see this was meant to be for a good reason.  When I arrived at the fountain, there were perhaps a hundred to two hundred students gathered all around. Up on the edge of the fountain, standing above all the students was this woman and her friend preaching the Word of God.  This wasn’t your normal Sunday/Wednesday Methodist rhetoric to which I was accustomed.  This was some fairly [in my words] inflammatory preaching that attacked members of sororities, fraternities, and darned near anything else that a fair number of college students hold near and dear.  Students were actively shouting back at that young evangelist.  Some students were trying to make good points while most others were just being rude in what they were shouting.  What was amazing, and has kept my interest all of these years is what happened next.Vintage Sis. Cindy

     At one point, Sister Cindy and her colleague departed the fountain area for a break in the Student Union.  When they departed, this mob of students continued to shout and generally make fun of Sister Cindy.  Five or ten more minutes passed and the few good sized groups further divided into many more even smaller groups.  These groups were no longer mentioning Sister Cindy.  They were no longer making rude, outrageous comments about the preaching that they had just witnessed.  Quite suddenly, these small groups of college students were talking to each other about the Word of God.  They were witnessing to each other about what God meant to them and their future.  I stood there quietly and watched this incredible transformation.

     I do not know if this was your intent, but WOW!  I have told this story many times over the years to many people.  To this day, I am amazed at the impact that you had upon that group of students.  Were you aware that your major impact would happen when you walked away and took a break?  You were able to motivate them to take the time to discuss the Word of God.  I know I waited far too long, but I just wanted you to know.

   In addition to your impact on the college students I mentioned, you and Sis. Pat had an very positive impact on me.  Following college graduation in 1986, I served in our US Air Force and continue to serve to this day.  The Armor of God has served me well through assignments throughout the world, to include 2 1/2 years in various deployments to the Middle East. God has also chosen you for a tough assignment. 


Pagan Surrenders

Feb. 2017 Chelsea writes:Hug an Pagan

   I was always taught about Jesus as a child, growing up in a deeply religious family and going to Catholic schools. I knew of His existence, but could never really feel His presence in my life. Some very hard trials came and I turned from His grace. I spent a few years trying to angrily deny Him and trying to seek other idols for guidance. It wasn't until trying to deal with some mental health issues on my own that I began to search for Him.   

   It was very sudden. I had a breakdown and when the results of which weren't a complete disaster, I just felt it, felt Him. I can’t explain it!

  Bro Jed and Chelsea One Psalm that has greatly helped me ever since is Psalm 27:1-4. I say it repeatedly when I begin struggling with anxiety and depression. With God's help I'm getting better and I'm learning to better keep my trust in Him. To be honest, I feel like your visits with Brother Jed really helped. I got to talk out my frustrations and I think that helped make them more real and tangible.

   Chelsea posted the above testimony on Facebook recently. The first year we met her at Louisiana State University, she was a vocal pagan. The second year she listened more, and Chelsea with hubbyher Senior year, 2015, she declared faith in our Lord. We signed a Bible and gave it to her. It is great to hear that she is in an Assembly of God church with her husband and in-laws.


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The Four Questions

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