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Psalms and the Prosperity Gospel

I am beginning a study of Psalms in my home Bible Lessons. Psalm 1 sets the stage for all the psalms with the opening word “Blessed,” which is one of the most used words in this ancient hymn book.

God desires is to bless and prosper his people, which is “the prosperity gospel,” which I preach. I am not ashamed to use the term, even though it is has become a pejorative by those who would belittle those who teach that the righteous can expect to prosper (vs. 4) in the here and the hereafter.

The word “woe” is not found in Psalms, although it is implied that the ungodly are under a curse and they will not prosper over the long run but will perish.

In my Christian studies I have majored in the blessings of the gospel; however, I also have a minor in the afflictions of the gospel.

Joel Osteen teaches that God may even afflict us for a time in order to take us to higher ground. So, in the end even our afflictions are blessings, if we continue steadfast in the faith.

Obedient Christian, your season is at hand to bring forth abundant fruit as you hold unwavering unto the Lord. The winnowing is in process; the chaff is being separated from the wheat.

Join us Face Book live at 7 AM ET for the start of our study of Psalm. I promise that you will be blessed as you study and apply the principles of faith found in the treasures of Psalms.

Wheat Harvester


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The Four Questions

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