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Memorial Service at Arlington

Did you watch the Memorial Service at Arlington with the President presenting the wreath and his moving remarks?

When the President was introduced, he was wildly cheered by the people attending, which I assume was mostly made up of military families. They love the President.

The President paid tribute to Bob Dole (94) and the oldest survivor of the Pearl Harbor attack (106); both stood with the help of attendants and waved. He also honored the fallen heroes, whose families were present.

The son of one of our heroes is graduating from Liberty University and is going to join the armed forces and serve like his father did.

An about 8-year-old boy, who has become a friend of the President, was dressed sharply in a full marine uniform with cap and all. Earlier he had introduced the President to his father at his grave sight in Arlington.

Sara Huckabee Sanders, who is a hero in her own right, loomed behind these families. She takes bullets for the President from the snipers of the press in the W.H. briefings every day. And believe me, she knows how to fire back like a machine gun cutting them down one by one.

The President, as he always does in his ceremonial duties, struck just the right tone. I remember the media and Trump’s other political opponents during the campaign constantly questioning whether Donald Trump, with his politically incorrect and outspoken words and sometimes even personal insults, would be able to handle the official responsibilities of a President.

Candidate Trump assured everyone that he was raised well and knew how to behave when necessary. Those of us who were early on the Trump train knew this and had no doubts.

Reagan was also good in presidential rituals; however, he did not have the unique ability to get off script to connect with individuals and families that Trump has.

President Trump referred to God often in his speech and he reassured the families that their valiant and sacrificial husbands and fathers were “looking down from Heaven” with approval.

After all, did not Jesus say? “Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”—John 15:13. These men laid down their lives for God, Country, and their comrades at arms.

After the ceremony ended the President, Secretary Mattis, generals, and other dignitaries spent time with the families.

I was disappointed when Fox News continued its inane chatter during the prayer and the Battle Hymn of the Republic. I switched to C-Span to catch the end of the prayer and all the rest of the religious aspects of the ceremony. C-Span will be doing reruns of the ceremony throughout the day. I recommend that if you missed it to tune in.


Donald Trump Laying Wreath at Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

YouTube Video: Bob Dole on why he supports Donald Trump


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