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Trump Cathedral

I have a sure-fire plan for building a great church. We will name it Trump Church, no, better yet, call it Trump Cathedral. The motto will be “Make the Church Great Again (MCGA).”

I will be senior pastor of the Trump Cathedral. President Trump will always be welcome to deliver the Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving Day message. He has demonstrated that he can speak on these religious issues as well as if not better than most pastors.

This will not be without precedent. There is the Washington National Cathedral. In Lexington, VA. There is R.E. Lee Memorial Chapel (There was recent talk about changing the name; I don’t know whether it was done or not).

There are many Trump people, who would like to attend Trump Cathedral, who likely don’t go to church regularly, because the churches tend to have a negative view on the future. Too many churches have a loser instead of a winner mentality.

Trump Cathedral will represent the Second Triumph of Christianity accomplished by Constantine the Great at the Battle of Milvian Bridge in the issuance of the Edict of Milan in 313 A.D.

“The gates of Hell will not prevail against the Trump Cathedral. We build a beautiful stone church with no expense spared for the glory of God and his Son Jesus Christ. Trump cathedral will win, win, win souls.


My satirical post a few days ago concerning establishing a Trump Church or Trump Cathedral received a lot of attention, mostly likes, but some friends accused me of blaspheme. Satire is humor, not simply for a laugh, but for the purpose of illustrating truth or making a point in an entertaining way.

Now some of you pastors, who work so hard to encourage folks to visit your church might try putting up a sign, maybe temporary, which reads the Church of Trump or maybe something less daring like advertising a sermon on, “The Faith of Trump.” I would even be glad to come and deliver the message. I am convinced that such a sign or advertising such a message would draw visitors. Give it a try pastor. As Trump told African Americans, “Vote for me, what do you have to lose?”

Friends have been accusing me of making an idol out of Trump. Not so, Trump is my hero. We all need heroes. Hebrews Chapter 11 is often called the "Hall of Faith" or the "Faith Hall of Fame." In this renowned chapter, Paul celebrates an inspiring list of heroic figures from the Old Testament --remarkable men and women, whose stories stand out to encourage and challenge our faith. Some of these heroes are famous personalities, while others remain anonymous. Some of these champions were saintly, others were flawed.

In the early days of my ministry, I was invited to preach at a black church in Indianapolis. Jimmy Carter had recently been elected president. The pastor counseled me for an hour concerning the black community, especially the black church. I remember him saying, “The fact that Jimmy Carter is noted as Sunday School teacher and claims to be born-again helps me.” I learned a lot from the pastor in that hour.

Pastor, promoting Trump can help your church. I know some see Trump not as a man of faith but simply a man with extreme self-confidence. The skeptic and or envious perceive him as prideful and a braggart. I respect him as an example of heroic faith, which should motivate all of us to think big and build a great church which will impact the community and the world.


Trump with BibleTrumpPrayer for Trump


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