MORE Bro. Jed Books for Sale

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ALL TRUMPED UP: Our Lionhearted President

  All Trumped Up Cover All Trumped Up: Our Lionhearted President, is Brother Jed’s chronicle of the campaign, election and first 100 Days of President Donald J. Trump. 

   How could a conservative Christian minister, knowing of Trump’s two divorces, reputation as a womanizer, past supporter of liberal politics, and his casino enterprises, possibly endorse such a “sinner” for President?

   This is the story of Bro. Jed boarding the Trump Train and riding it through the most captivating and historical election of our lifetime. Bro. Jed gives a lively and provocative defense of conservative principles and a humorous yet potent expose of liberalism during what many have called the biggest political upset in American history.                            

 "There are two voices that stand out in America today as bold, unwavering and unafraid: on the college campus, Jed Smock and in the political arena, President Donald J. Trump. Do not miss the unique collision of these two historic figures in Jed Smock's book!” —Kirk Walker, campus minister, University of New  

“While many Christians doubted Trump's brother jedauthenticity, Bro. Jed was at the forefront of his champions. There was no one else I talked to who had more faith in his leadership abilities and respect for his accomplishments - in fact, he even compares his feats to those of Jacob himself!” Daniel Anderson, high school tutor, math, history, Latin, French                                    

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Christ Triumphant!

Christ Triumphant: The Battle of the AgesChrist Triumphant: 
The Battle of the Ages
by Jed Smock
is a study of the atonement of our Lord Jesus Christ written as an inspiring narrative. The most significant and powerful event in history was the Crucifixion and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. A clear understanding of the purpose of the death of Jesus Christ exalts Christianity as the only true religion and exposes all other belief systems as false. Therefore, the more one understands about the atonement of Christ, the more effectively he can share the faith. Brother Jed has written this book in hopes of better equipping the saints to evangelize the world.
   You may order a free  PDF copy of Christ Triumphant by Clicking Here. You may also order through Amazon or Kindle
   Christ Triumphant would make a great Sunday School or home group study. 


Walking In The Spirit

 This is the book that the intellectually curious and those who truly hunger and thirst after righteousness have long been awaiting.


This is the book that the intellectually curious and those who truly hunger and thirst after righteousness have long been awaiting. The author powerfully hews away every rationalization men use to excuse their sin. Smock's teaching is so contrary to popular notions of salvation that many readers will question their own salvation.

Suggested Gift: $15.00

Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to order.



Grieve Not The Spirit--In Print Again!

Grieve Not The Spirit

   Jesus promised that the Holy Spirit would "convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment," yet these subjects are depreciated in modern evangelism and are unmentioned in worldly churches that claim to extol the ministry of the Holy Spirit.
   In this generation the Comforter is portrayed as the one who soothes men in their sins rather than encouraging the Christian who is persecuted for steadfastly standing for holiness and against lawlessness. Hence the Holy spirit is suffering in the house of reputed friends while they worship and praise as if nothing is wrong and great things are happening.
   Servants of God will grieve with Him after reading this scholarly and provocative discourse on the most neglected ministry of the Spirit. This book will enlighten the saint, convict the sinner and harden the reprobate.
   You may receive a free copy of Grieve Not the Spirit by pledging to support CMUSA with $27 a month in 2017. If you are already a financial partner, you qualify regardless of the amount. To receive your free copy please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with your name and mailing address. 

Or you may order on Amazon or Kindle.

"A masterpiece of timely truth," says Bill Burkett, editor of "The Hagios Letter"

"This is a powerful, personable and needed book. It has led me to soberly examine myself," Jeff Paul, former director of Revival Theology Promotion.


The Mystery of Christ Revealed: The Key to Understanding Predestination

The Key to Understanding Predestination


The purpose of this book is to expose the Calvinistic view of predestination as the mythical monster that it is; and to show the Arminians that they need not bow to logical inconsistencies in order to reconcile the doctrine of man's free-will with God's sovereignty.

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Who Will Rise Up?



The autobiography of open air preacher Jed Smock originally published in 1984. Brother Jed has preached on hundreds of colleges and universities in every state and abroad. He has practiced confrontational evangelism for over four decades. He ministers five hours a day, five days a week on campuses. Jed and his wife Cindy travel together and have five grown daughters who continue to minister with them on occasion.

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The Four Questions

  • Origin? Meaning? Morals? Destiny?

    The Four Questions What is the origin of life? What is the meaning of life? What is the source of morality? What is our destiny?  Daily on campus we tell the students that any religion or philosophy has to answer the questions of origin, meaning, morals...



Word From Bro. Jed

  • Get Angry Church

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