Bible Cross References
his substance
Deuteronomy 18:1-5
"The priestly tribe of Levi is not to receive any share of land in Israel; instead, they are to live on the offerings and other sacrifices given to the LORD.
They are to own no land, as the other tribes do; their share is the privilege of being the LORD's priests, as the LORD has promised.
"Whenever cattle or sheep are sacrificed, the priests are to be given the shoulder, the jaw, and the stomach.
They are to receive the first share of the grain, wine, olive oil, and wool.
The LORD chose from all your tribes the tribe of Levi to serve him as priests forever.
Numbers 18:8-20
The LORD said to Aaron, "Remember that I am giving you all the special contributions made to me that are not burned as sacrifices. I am giving them to you and to your descendants as the part assigned to you forever.
Of the most sacred offerings not burned on the altar, the following belong to you: the grain offerings, the sin offerings, and the repayment offerings. Everything that is presented to me as a sacred offering belongs to you and your sons.
You must eat these things in a holy place, and only males may eat them; consider them holy.
"In addition, any other special contributions that the Israelites present to me shall be yours. I am giving them to you, your sons, and your daughters for all time to come. Every member of your family who is ritually clean may eat them.
"I am giving you all the best of the first produce which the Israelites give me each year: olive oil, wine, and grain.
It all belongs to you. Every member of your family who is ritually clean may eat it.
"Everything in Israel that has been unconditionally dedicated to me belongs to you.
"Every first-born child or animal that the Israelites present to me belongs to you. But you must accept payment to buy back every first-born child, and must also accept payment for every first-born animal that is ritually unclean.
Children shall be bought back at the age of one month for the fixed price of five pieces of silver, according to the official standard.
But the first-born of cows, sheep, and goats are not to be bought back; they belong completely to me and are to be sacrificed. Throw their blood against the altar and burn their fat as a food offering, an odor pleasing to me.
The meat from them belongs to you, like the breast and the right hind leg of the special offering.
"I am giving to you, to your sons, and to your daughters, for all time to come, all the special contributions which the Israelites present to me. This is an unbreakable covenant that I have made with you and your descendants."
The LORD said to Aaron, "You will not receive any property that can be inherited, and no part of the land of Israel will be assigned to you. I, the LORD, am all you need."
Numbers 35:2-8
"Tell the Israelites that from the property they receive they must give the Levites some cities to live in and pasture land around the cities.
These cities will belong to the Levites, and they will live there. The pasture land will be for their cattle and all their other animals.
The pasture land is to extend outward from the city walls five hundred yards in each direction,
so that there is a square area measuring one thousand yards on each side, with the city in the middle.
You are to give the Levites six cities of refuge to which any of you can escape if you kill someone accidentally. In addition, give them forty-two other cities
with their pasture land, making a total of forty-eight.
The number of Levite cities in each tribe is to be determined according to the size of its territory."
2 Samuel 24:23
Araunah gave it all to the king and said to him, "May the LORD your God accept your offering."
Psalm 20:3
May he accept all your offerings and be pleased with all your sacrifices.
Ezekiel 20:40
There in the land, on my holy mountain, the high mountain of Israel, all you people of Israel will worship me. I will be pleased with you and will expect you to bring me your sacrifices, your best offerings, and your holy gifts.
Ezekiel 20:41
After I bring you out of the countries where you have been scattered and gather you together, I will accept the sacrifices that you burn, and the nations will see that I am holy.
Ezekiel 43:27
When the week is over, the priests are to begin offering on the altar the burnt offerings and the fellowship offerings of the people. Then I will be pleased with all of you. I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken."
Malachi 1:8-10
When you bring a blind or sick or lame animal to sacrifice to me, do you think there's nothing wrong with that? Try giving an animal like that to the governor! Would he be pleased with you or grant you any favors?"
Now, you priests, try asking God to be good to us. He will not answer your prayer, and it will be your fault.
The LORD Almighty says, "I wish one of you would close the Temple doors so as to prevent you from lighting useless fires on my altar. I am not pleased with you; I will not accept the offerings you bring me.
Isaiah 29:21
God will destroy those who slander others, those who prevent the punishment of criminals, and those who tell lies to keep honest people from getting justice.
Jeremiah 15:10
What an unhappy man I am! Why did my mother bring me into the world? I have to quarrel and argue with everyone in the land. I have not lent any money or borrowed any; yet everyone curses me.
Amos 5:10
You people hate anyone who challenges injustice and speaks the whole truth in court.
Matthew 10:14
And if some home or town will not welcome you or listen to you, then leave that place and shake the dust off your feet.
Matthew 10:15
I assure you that on the Judgment Day God will show more mercy to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah than to the people of that town!
Luke 10:10-12
But whenever you go into a town and are not welcomed, go out in the streets and say,
'Even the dust from your town that sticks to our feet we wipe off against you. But remember that the Kingdom of God has come near you!'
I assure you that on the Judgment Day God will show more mercy to Sodom than to that town!
Luke 10:16-12
1 Thessalonians 4:8
So then, whoever rejects this teaching is not rejecting a human being, but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.
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