Bible Cross References
Galatians 5:16
What I say is this: let the Spirit direct your lives, and you will not satisfy the desires of the human nature.
Galatians 5:25
The Spirit has given us life; he must also control our lives.
Galatians 4:6
To show that you are his children, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who cries out, "Father, my Father."
Psalm 25:4
Teach me your ways, O LORD; make them known to me.
Psalm 25:5
Teach me to live according to your truth, for you are my God, who saves me. I always trust in you.
Psalm 25:8
Because the LORD is righteous and good, he teaches sinners the path they should follow.
Psalm 25:9
He leads the humble in the right way and teaches them his will.
Psalm 143:8-10
Remind me each morning of your constant love, for I put my trust in you. My prayers go up to you; show me the way I should go.
I go to you for protection, LORD; rescue me from my enemies.
You are my God; teach me to do your will. Be good to me, and guide me on a safe path.
Proverbs 8:20
I walk the way of righteousness; I follow the paths of justice,
Isaiah 48:16-18
"Now come close to me and hear what I say. From the beginning I have spoken openly and have always made my words come true." (Now the Sovereign LORD has given me his power and sent me.)
The holy God of Israel, the LORD who saves you, says: "I am the LORD your God, the one who wants to teach you for your own good and direct you in the way you should go.
"If only you had listened to my commands! Then blessings would have flowed for you like a stream that never goes dry. Victory would have come to you like the waves that roll on the shore.
Ezekiel 36:27
I will put my spirit in you and will see to it that you follow my laws and keep all the commands I have given you.
John 16:13
When, however, the Spirit comes, who reveals the truth about God, he will lead you into all the truth. He will not speak on his own authority, but he will speak of what he hears and will tell you of things to come.
Romans 8:12
So then, my friends, we have an obligation, but it is not to live as our human nature wants us to.
Romans 8:14
Those who are led by God's Spirit are God's children.
2 Timothy 1:7
For the Spirit that God has given us does not make us timid; instead, his Spirit fills us with power, love, and self-control.
1 John 2:20-27
But you have had the Holy Spirit poured out on you by Christ, and so all of you know the truth.
I write you, then, not because you do not know the truth; instead, it is because you do know it, and you also know that no lie ever comes from the truth.
Who, then, is the liar? It is those who say that Jesus is not the Messiah. Such people are the Enemy of Christ---they reject both the Father and the Son.
For those who reject the Son reject also the Father; those who accept the Son have the Father also.
Be sure, then, to keep in your hearts the message you heard from the beginning. If you keep that message, then you will always live in union with the Son and the Father.
And this is what Christ himself promised to give us---eternal life.
I am writing this to you about those who are trying to deceive you.
But as for you, Christ has poured out his Spirit on you. As long as his Spirit remains in you, you do not need anyone to teach you. For his Spirit teaches you about everything, and what he teaches is true, not false. Obey the Spirit's teaching, then, and remain in union with Christ.
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Galatians 4:5
to redeem those who were under the Law, so that we might become God's children.
Romans 6:14
Sin must not be your master; for you do not live under law but under God's grace.
Romans 6:15
What, then? Shall we sin, because we are not under law but under God's grace? By no means!