Bible Cross References
1 Corinthians 9:18
What pay do I get, then? It is the privilege of preaching the Good News without charging for it, without claiming my rights in my work for the gospel.
Ecclesiastes 2:24
The best thing we can do is eat and drink and enjoy what we have earned. And yet, I realized that even this comes from God.
Ecclesiastes 2:25
How else could you have anything to eat or enjoy yourself at all?
Ecclesiastes 3:12
So I realized that all we can do is be happy and do the best we can while we are still alive.
Ecclesiastes 3:13
All of us should eat and drink and enjoy what we have worked for. It is God's gift.
Ecclesiastes 5:18-20
Here is what I have found out: the best thing we can do is eat and drink and enjoy what we have worked for during the short life that God has given us; this is our fate.
If God gives us wealth and property and lets us enjoy them, we should be grateful and enjoy what we have worked for. It is a gift from God.
Since God has allowed us to be happy, we will not worry too much about how short life is.
Ecclesiastes 9:7-10
Go ahead---eat your food and be happy; drink your wine and be cheerful. It's all right with God.
Always look happy and cheerful.
Enjoy life with the one you love, as long as you live the useless life that God has given you in this world. Enjoy every useless day of it, because that is all you will get for all your trouble.
Work hard at whatever you do, because there will be no action, no thought, no knowledge, no wisdom in the world of the dead---and that is where you are going.
Ecclesiastes 11:2
Put your investments in several places---many places even---because you never know what kind of bad luck you are going to have in this world.
Ecclesiastes 11:9
Young people, enjoy your youth. Be happy while you are still young. Do what you want to do, and follow your heart's desire. But remember that God is going to judge you for whatever you do.
Ecclesiastes 11:10
Don't let anything worry you or cause you pain. You aren't going to be young very long.
Matthew 24:48-50
But if he is a bad servant, he will tell himself that his master will not come back for a long time,
and he will begin to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards.
Then that servant's master will come back one day when the servant does not expect him and at a time he does not know.
Matthew 25:14-29
"At that time the Kingdom of heaven will be like this. Once there was a man who was about to leave home on a trip; he called his servants and put them in charge of his property.
He gave to each one according to his ability: to one he gave five thousand gold coins, to another he gave two thousand, and to another he gave one thousand. Then he left on his trip.
The servant who had received five thousand coins went at once and invested his money and earned another five thousand.
In the same way the servant who had received two thousand coins earned another two thousand.
But the servant who had received one thousand coins went off, dug a hole in the ground, and hid his master's money.
"After a long time the master of those servants came back and settled accounts with them.
The servant who had received five thousand coins came in and handed over the other five thousand. 'You gave me five thousand coins, sir,' he said. 'Look! Here are another five thousand that I have earned.'
'Well done, you good and faithful servant!' said his master. 'You have been faithful in managing small amounts, so I will put you in charge of large amounts. Come on in and share my happiness!'
Then the servant who had been given two thousand coins came in and said, 'You gave me two thousand coins, sir. Look! Here are another two thousand that I have earned.'
'Well done, you good and faithful servant!' said his master. 'You have been faithful in managing small amounts, so I will put you in charge of large amounts. Come on in and share my happiness!'
Then the servant who had received one thousand coins came in and said, 'Sir, I know you are a hard man; you reap harvests where you did not plant, and you gather crops where you did not scatter seed.
I was afraid, so I went off and hid your money in the ground. Look! Here is what belongs to you.'
'You bad and lazy servant!' his master said. 'You knew, did you, that I reap harvests where I did not plant, and gather crops where I did not scatter seed?
Well, then, you should have deposited my money in the bank, and I would have received it all back with interest when I returned.
Now, take the money away from him and give it to the one who has ten thousand coins.
For to every person who has something, even more will be given, and he will have more than enough; but the person who has nothing, even the little that he has will be taken away from him.
Luke 12:15-21
And he went on to say to them all, "Watch out and guard yourselves from every kind of greed; because your true life is not made up of the things you own, no matter how rich you may be."
Then Jesus told them this parable: "There was once a rich man who had land which bore good crops.
He began to think to himself, 'I don't have a place to keep all my crops. What can I do?
This is what I will do,' he told himself; 'I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, where I will store the grain and all my other goods.
Then I will say to myself, Lucky man! You have all the good things you need for many years. Take life easy, eat, drink, and enjoy yourself !'
But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night you will have to give up your life; then who will get all these things you have kept for yourself ? ' "
And Jesus concluded, "This is how it is with those who pile up riches for themselves but are not rich in God's sight."
Luke 16:1
Jesus said to his disciples, "There was once a rich man who had a servant who managed his property. The rich man was told that the manager was wasting his master's money,
Luke 16:2
so he called him in and said, 'What is this I hear about you? Turn in a complete account of your handling of my property, because you cannot be my manager any longer.'
Luke 19:17-26
'Well done,' he said; 'you are a good servant! Since you were faithful in small matters, I will put you in charge of ten cities.'
The second servant came and said, 'Sir, I have earned five gold coins with the one you gave me.'
To this one he said, 'You will be in charge of five cities.'
Another servant came and said, 'Sir, here is your gold coin; I kept it hidden in a handkerchief.
I was afraid of you, because you are a hard man. You take what is not yours and reap what you did not plant.'
He said to him, 'You bad servant! I will use your own words to condemn you! You know that I am a hard man, taking what is not mine and reaping what I have not planted.
Well, then, why didn't you put my money in the bank? Then I would have received it back with interest when I returned.'
Then he said to those who were standing there, 'Take the gold coin away from him and give it to the servant who has ten coins.'
But they said to him, 'Sir, he already has ten coins!'
'I tell you,' he replied, 'that to those who have something, even more will be given; but those who have nothing, even the little that they have will be taken away from them.
Luke 21:34
"Be careful not to let yourselves become occupied with too much feasting and drinking and with the worries of this life, or that Day may suddenly catch you
1 Timothy 6:17
Command those who are rich in the things of this life not to be proud, but to place their hope, not in such an uncertain thing as riches, but in God, who generously gives us everything for our enjoyment.
1 Timothy 6:18
Command them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share with others.
James 5:1-5
And now, you rich people, listen to me! Weep and wail over the miseries that are coming upon you!
Your riches have rotted away, and your clothes have been eaten by moths.
Your gold and silver are covered with rust, and this rust will be a witness against you and will eat up your flesh like fire. You have piled up riches in these last days.
You have not paid any wages to those who work in your fields. Listen to their complaints! The cries of those who gather in your crops have reached the ears of God, the Lord Almighty.
Your life here on earth has been full of luxury and pleasure. You have made yourselves fat for the day of slaughter.
Psalm 39:6
no more than a shadow. All we do is for nothing; we gather wealth, but don't know who will get it.
Psalm 73:20
They are like a dream that goes away in the morning; when you rouse yourself, O Lord, they disappear.
Ecclesiastes 1:4
Generations come and generations go, but the world stays just the same.
James 1:10
and the rich Christians must be glad when God brings them down. For the rich will pass away like the flower of a wild plant.
James 1:11
The sun rises with its blazing heat and burns the plant; its flower falls off, and its beauty is destroyed. In the same way the rich will be destroyed while they go about their business.
James 4:14
You don't even know what your life tomorrow will be! You are like a puff of smoke, which appears for a moment and then disappears.
1 Peter 1:24
As the scripture says, "All human beings are like grass, and all their glory is like wild flowers. The grass withers, and the flowers fall,
1 Peter 4:7
The end of all things is near. You must be self-controlled and alert, to be able to pray.
1 John 2:17
The world and everything in it that people desire is passing away; but those who do the will of God live forever.