Bible Cross References
Numbers 11:13-23
Where could I get enough meat for all these people? They keep whining and asking for meat.
I can't be responsible for all these people by myself; it's too much for me!
If you are going to treat me like this, have pity on me and kill me, so that I won't have to endure your cruelty any longer."
The LORD said to Moses, "Assemble seventy respected men who are recognized as leaders of the people, bring them to me at the Tent of my presence, and tell them to stand there beside you.
I will come down and speak with you there, and I will take some of the spirit I have given you and give it to them. Then they can help you bear the responsibility for these people, and you will not have to bear it alone.
Now tell the people, 'Purify yourselves for tomorrow; you will have meat to eat. The LORD has heard you whining and saying that you wished you had some meat and that you were better off in Egypt. Now the LORD will give you meat, and you will have to eat it.
You will have to eat it not just for one or two days, or five, or ten, or even twenty days,
but for a whole month, until it comes out of your ears, until you are sick of it. This will happen because you have rejected the LORD who is here among you and have complained to him that you should never have left Egypt.' "
Moses said to the LORD, "Here I am leading 600,000 people, and you say that you will give them enough meat for a month?
Could enough cattle and sheep be killed to satisfy them? Are all the fish in the sea enough for them?"
"Is there a limit to my power?" the LORD answered. "You will soon see whether what I have said will happen or not!"
2 Kings 7:2
The personal attendant of the king said to Elisha, "That can't happen---not even if the LORD himself were to send grain at once!" "You will see it happen, but you won't get to eat any of the food," Elisha replied.
2 Kings 7:19
to which the officer had answered, "That can't happen---not even if the LORD himself were to send grain at once!" And Elisha had replied, "You will see it happen, but you won't get to eat any of the food."
2 Chronicles 20:15-20
Jahaziel said, "Your Majesty and all you people of Judah and Jerusalem, the LORD says that you must not be discouraged or be afraid to face this large army. The battle depends on God, not on you.
Attack them tomorrow as they come up the pass at Ziz. You will meet them at the end of the valley that leads to the wild country near Jeruel.
You will not have to fight this battle. Just take up your positions and wait; you will see the LORD give you victory. People of Judah and Jerusalem, do not hesitate or be afraid. Go out to battle, and the LORD will be with you!"
Then King Jehoshaphat bowed low, with his face touching the ground, and all the people bowed with him and worshiped the LORD.
The members of the Levite clans of Kohath and Korah stood up and with a loud shout praised the LORD, the God of Israel.
Early the next morning the people went out to the wild country near Tekoa. As they were starting out, Jehoshaphat addressed them with these words: "People of Judah and Jerusalem! Put your trust in the LORD your God, and you will stand your ground. Believe what his prophets tell you, and you will succeed."
Isaiah 7:9
Israel is no stronger than Samaria, its capital city, and Samaria is no stronger than King Pekah. "If your faith is not enduring, you will not endure."
Jeremiah 32:16-27
After I had given the deed of purchase to Baruch, I prayed,
"Sovereign LORD, you made the earth and the sky by your great power and might; nothing is too difficult for you.
You have shown constant love to thousands, but you also punish people for the sins of their parents. You are a great and powerful God; you are the LORD Almighty.
You make wise plans and do mighty things; you see everything that people do, and you reward them according to their actions.
Long ago you performed miracles and wonders in Egypt, and you have continued to perform them to this day, both in Israel and among all the other nations, so that you are now known everywhere.
By means of miracles and wonders that terrified our enemies, you used your power and might to bring your people Israel out of Egypt.
You gave them this rich and fertile land, as you had promised their ancestors.
But when they came into this land and took possession of it, they did not obey your commands or live according to your teaching; they did nothing that you had ordered them to do. And so you brought all this destruction on them.
"The Babylonians have built siege mounds around the city to capture it, and they are attacking. War, starvation, and disease will make the city fall into their hands. You can see that all you have said has come true.
Yet, Sovereign LORD, you are the one who ordered me to buy the field in the presence of witnesses, even though the city is about to be captured by the Babylonians."
Then the LORD said to me,
"I am the LORD, the God of all people. Nothing is too difficult for me.
Luke 1:18
Zechariah said to the angel, "How shall I know if this is so? I am an old man, and my wife is old also."
Luke 1:45
How happy you are to believe that the Lord's message to you will come true!"
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Isaiah 35:4
Tell everyone who is discouraged, "Be strong and don't be afraid! God is coming to your rescue, coming to punish your enemies."
Daniel 10:19
He said, "God loves you, so don't let anything worry you or frighten you." When he had said this, I felt even stronger and said, "Sir, tell me what you have to say. You have made me feel better."
Daniel 11:32
By deceit the king will win the support of those who have already abandoned their religion, but those who follow God will fight back.
Haggai 2:4
But now don't be discouraged, any of you. Do the work, for I am with you.
Zechariah 8:9
"Have courage! You are now hearing the same words the prophets spoke at the time the foundation was being laid for rebuilding my Temple.
Zechariah 8:13
People of Judah and Israel! In the past foreigners have cursed one another by saying, 'May the same disasters fall on you that fell on Judah and Israel!' But I will save you, and then those foreigners will say to one another, 'May you receive the same blessings that came to Judah and Israel!' So have courage and don't be afraid."
1 Corinthians 16:13
Be alert, stand firm in the faith, be brave, be strong.
2 Corinthians 12:10
I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and difficulties for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.
Ephesians 6:10
Finally, build up your strength in union with the Lord and by means of his mighty power.
2 Timothy 2:1
As for you, my son, be strong through the grace that is ours in union with Christ Jesus.
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