Bible Cross References
the word
Acts 12:24
Meanwhile the word of God continued to spread and grow.
Acts 19:20
In this powerful way the word of the Lord kept spreading and growing stronger.
Colossians 1:6
The gospel keeps bringing blessings and is spreading throughout the world, just as it has among you ever since the day you first heard about the grace of God and came to know it as it really is.
2 Timothy 2:9
Because I preach the Good News, I suffer and I am even chained like a criminal. But the word of God is not in chains,
the number
Acts 21:20
After hearing him, they all praised God. Then they said, "Brother Paul, you can see how many thousands of Jews have become believers, and how devoted they all are to the Law.
the priests
2 Chronicles 29:34
Since there were not enough priests to kill all these animals, the Levites helped them until the work was finished. By then more priests had made themselves ritually clean. (The Levites were more faithful in keeping ritually clean than the priests were.)
2 Chronicles 30:24
King Hezekiah contributed 1,000 bulls and 7,000 sheep for the people to kill and eat, and the officials gave them another 1,000 bulls and 10,000 sheep. A large number of priests went through the ritual of purification.
Psalm 132:9
May your priests do always what is right; may your people shout for joy!
Psalm 132:16
I will bless her priests in all they do, and her people will sing and shout for joy.
Matthew 19:30
But many who now are first will be last, and many who now are last will be first.
Luke 2:34
Simeon blessed them and said to Mary, his mother, "This child is chosen by God for the destruction and the salvation of many in Israel. He will be a sign from God which many people will speak against
John 12:42
Even then, many Jewish authorities believed in Jesus; but because of the Pharisees they did not talk about it openly, so as not to be expelled from the synagogue.
Romans 1:5
Through him God gave me the privilege of being an apostle for the sake of Christ, in order to lead people of all nations to believe and obey.
Romans 16:26
Now, however, that truth has been brought out into the open through the writings of the prophets; and by the command of the eternal God it is made known to all nations, so that all may believe and obey.
2 Thessalonians 1:8
with a flaming fire, to punish those who reject God and who do not obey the Good News about our Lord Jesus.
Hebrews 5:9
When he was made perfect, he became the source of eternal salvation for all those who obey him,
Hebrews 11:8
It was faith that made Abraham obey when God called him to go out to a country which God had promised to give him. He left his own country without knowing where he was going.
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