Bible Cross References
ye shall
Acts 2:1-4
When the day of Pentecost came, all the believers were gathered together in one place.
Suddenly there was a noise from the sky which sounded like a strong wind blowing, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting.
Then they saw what looked like tongues of fire which spread out and touched each person there.
They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to talk in other languages, as the Spirit enabled them to speak.
Acts 6:8
Stephen, a man richly blessed by God and full of power, performed great miracles and wonders among the people.
Acts 8:19
and said, "Give this power to me too, so that anyone I place my hands on will receive the Holy Spirit."
Micah 3:8
But as for me, the LORD fills me with his spirit and power, and gives me a sense of justice and the courage to tell the people of Israel what their sins are.
Zechariah 4:6
The angel told me to give Zerubbabel this message from the LORD: "You will succeed, not by military might or by your own strength, but by my spirit.
Luke 10:19
Listen! I have given you authority, so that you can walk on snakes and scorpions and overcome all the power of the Enemy, and nothing will hurt you.
Revelation 11:3-6
I will send my two witnesses dressed in sackcloth, and they will proclaim God's message during those 1, 260 days."
The two witnesses are the two olive trees and the two lamps that stand before the Lord of the earth.
If anyone tries to harm them, fire comes out of their mouths and destroys their enemies; and in this way whoever tries to harm them will be killed.
They have authority to shut up the sky so that there will be no rain during the time they proclaim God's message. They have authority also over the springs of water, to turn them into blood; they have authority also to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they wish.
power, etc
Luke 1:35
The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come on you, and God's power will rest upon you. For this reason the holy child will be called the Son of God.
Luke 24:29
but they held him back, saying, "Stay with us; the day is almost over and it is getting dark." So he went in to stay with them.
Romans 15:19
by the power of miracles and wonders, and by the power of the Spirit of God. And so, in traveling all the way from Jerusalem to Illyricum, I have proclaimed fully the Good News about Christ.
and ye
Acts 1:22
(SEE 1:21)
Acts 2:32
God has raised this very Jesus from death, and we are all witnesses to this fact.
Acts 3:15
You killed the one who leads to life, but God raised him from death---and we are witnesses to this.
Acts 4:33
With great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and God poured rich blessings on them all.
Acts 5:32
We are witnesses to these things---we and the Holy Spirit, who is God's gift to those who obey him."
Acts 10:39-41
We are witnesses of everything that he did in the land of Israel and in Jerusalem. Then they put him to death by nailing him to a cross.
But God raised him from death three days later and caused him to appear,
not to everyone, but only to the witnesses that God had already chosen, that is, to us who ate and drank with him after he rose from death.
Acts 13:31
and for many days he appeared to those who had traveled with him from Galilee to Jerusalem. They are now witnesses for him to the people of Israel.
Acts 22:15
For you will be a witness for him to tell everyone what you have seen and heard.
Matthew 28:19
Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit,
Mark 16:15
He said to them, "Go throughout the whole world and preach the gospel to all people.
Luke 24:46-49
and said to them, "This is what is written: the Messiah must suffer and must rise from death three days later,
and in his name the message about repentance and the forgiveness of sins must be preached to all nations, beginning in Jerusalem.
You are witnesses of these things.
And I myself will send upon you what my Father has promised. But you must wait in the city until the power from above comes down upon you."
John 15:27
And you, too, will speak about me, because you have been with me from the very beginning.
in Samaria
Acts 8:5-25
Philip went to the principal city in Samaria and preached the Messiah to the people there.
The crowds paid close attention to what Philip said, as they listened to him and saw the miracles that he performed.
Evil spirits came out from many people with a loud cry, and many paralyzed and lame people were healed.
So there was great joy in that city.
A man named Simon lived there, who for some time had astounded the Samaritans with his magic. He claimed that he was someone great,
and everyone in the city, from all classes of society, paid close attention to him. "He is that power of God known as 'The Great Power,' " they said.
They paid this attention to him because for such a long time he had astonished them with his magic.
But when they believed Philip's message about the good news of the Kingdom of God and about Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.
Simon himself also believed; and after being baptized, he stayed close to Philip and was astounded when he saw the great wonders and miracles that were being performed.
The apostles in Jerusalem heard that the people of Samaria had received the word of God, so they sent Peter and John to them.
When they arrived, they prayed for the believers that they might receive the Holy Spirit.
For the Holy Spirit had not yet come down on any of them; they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Then Peter and John placed their hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
Simon saw that the Spirit had been given to the believers when the apostles placed their hands on them. So he offered money to Peter and John,
and said, "Give this power to me too, so that anyone I place my hands on will receive the Holy Spirit."
But Peter answered him, "May you and your money go to hell, for thinking that you can buy God's gift with money!
You have no part or share in our work, because your heart is not right in God's sight.
Repent, then, of this evil plan of yours, and pray to the Lord that he will forgive you for thinking such a thing as this.
For I see that you are full of bitter envy and are a prisoner of sin."
Simon said to Peter and John, "Please pray to the Lord for me, so that none of these things you spoke of will happen to me."
After they had given their testimony and proclaimed the Lord's message, Peter and John went back to Jerusalem. On their way they preached the Good News in many villages of Samaria.
Psalm 22:27
All nations will remember the LORD. From every part of the world they will turn to him; all races will worship him.
Psalm 98:3
He kept his promise to the people of Israel with loyalty and constant love for them. All people everywhere have seen the victory of our God.
Isaiah 42:10
Sing a new song to the LORD; sing his praise, all the world! Praise him, you that sail the sea; praise him, all creatures of the sea! Sing, distant lands and all who live there!
Isaiah 49:6
The LORD said to me, "I have a greater task for you, my servant. Not only will you restore to greatness the people of Israel who have survived, but I will also make you a light to the nations--- so that all the world may be saved."
Isaiah 52:10
The LORD will use his holy power; he will save his people, and all the world will see it.
Isaiah 66:19
and will know that I am the one who punishes them. "But I will spare some of them and send them to the nations and the distant lands that have not heard of my fame or seen my greatness and power: to Spain, Libya, and Lydia, with its skilled archers, and to Tubal and Greece. Among these nations they will proclaim my greatness.
Jeremiah 16:19
LORD, you are the one who protects me and gives me strength; you help me in times of trouble. Nations will come to you from the ends of the earth and say, "Our ancestors had nothing but false gods, nothing but useless idols.
Matthew 24:14
And this Good News about the Kingdom will be preached through all the world for a witness to all people; and then the end will come.
Romans 10:18
But I ask: Is it true that they did not hear the message? Of course they did---for as the scripture says: "The sound of their voice went out to all the world; their words reached the ends of the earth."
Romans 15:19
by the power of miracles and wonders, and by the power of the Spirit of God. And so, in traveling all the way from Jerusalem to Illyricum, I have proclaimed fully the Good News about Christ.
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