Bible Cross References
Psalm 22:7
All who see me make fun of me; they stick out their tongues and shake their heads.
Psalm 22:8
"You relied on the LORD," they say. "Why doesn't he save you? If the LORD likes you, why doesn't he help you?"
Psalm 22:12-14
Many enemies surround me like bulls; they are all around me, like fierce bulls from the land of Bashan.
They open their mouths like lions, roaring and tearing at me.
My strength is gone, gone like water spilled on the ground. All my bones are out of joint; my heart is like melted wax.
Psalm 35:15-21
But when I was in trouble, they were all glad and gathered around to make fun of me; strangers beat me and kept striking me.
Like those who would mock a cripple, they glared at me with hate.
How much longer, Lord, will you just look on? Rescue me from their attacks; save my life from these lions!
Then I will thank you in the assembly of your people; I will praise you before them all.
Don't let my enemies, those liars, gloat over my defeat. Don't let those who hate me for no reason smirk with delight over my sorrow.
They do not speak in a friendly way; instead they invent all kinds of lies about peace-loving people.
They accuse me, shouting, "We saw what you did!"
Psalm 69:7
It is for your sake that I have been insulted and that I am covered with shame.
Psalm 69:19
You know how I am insulted, how I am disgraced and dishonored; you see all my enemies.
Psalm 69:20
Insults have broken my heart, and I am in despair. I had hoped for sympathy, but there was none; for comfort, but I found none.
Psalm 69:26
They persecute those whom you have punished; they talk about the sufferings of those you have wounded.
Psalm 109:25
When people see me, they laugh at me; they shake their heads in scorn.
Lamentations 1:12
"Look at me!" she cries to everyone who passes by. "No one has ever had pain like mine, Pain that the LORD brought on me in the time of his anger.
Lamentations 2:15
People passing by the city look at you in scorn. They shake their heads and laugh at Jerusalem's ruins: "Is this that lovely city? Is this the pride of the world?"
Matthew 27:39
People passing by shook their heads and hurled insults at Jesus:
Matthew 27:40
"You were going to tear down the Temple and build it back up in three days! Save yourself if you are God's Son! Come on down from the cross!"
Mark 14:58
"We heard him say, 'I will tear down this Temple which men have made, and after three days I will build one that is not made by men.' "
Genesis 37:19
They said to one another, "Here comes that dreamer.
Genesis 37:20
Come on now, let's kill him and throw his body into one of the dry wells. We can say that a wild animal killed him. Then we will see what becomes of his dreams."
Matthew 26:61
and said, "This man said, 'I am able to tear down God's Temple and three days later build it back up.' "
John 2:18-22
The Jewish authorities came back at him with a question, "What miracle can you perform to show us that you have the right to do this?"
Jesus answered, "Tear down this Temple, and in three days I will build it again."
"Are you going to build it again in three days?" they asked him. "It has taken forty-six years to build this Temple!"
But the temple Jesus was speaking about was his body.
So when he was raised from death, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they believed the scripture and what Jesus had said.
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