Bible Cross References
Mark 13:14
"You will see 'The Awful Horror' standing in the place where he should not be." (Note to the reader: understand what this means!) "Then those who are in Judea must run away to the hills.
Luke 19:43
The time will come when your enemies will surround you with barricades, blockade you, and close in on you from every side.
Luke 21:20
"When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then you will know that it will soon be destroyed.
Daniel 9:27
That ruler will have a firm agreement with many people for seven years, and when half this time is past, he will put an end to sacrifices and offerings. The Awful Horror will be placed on the highest point of the Temple and will remain there until the one who put it there meets the end which God has prepared for him."
Daniel 12:11
"From the time the daily sacrifices are stopped, that is, from the time of The Awful Horror, 1,290 days will pass.
Ezekiel 40:4
He said to me, "Watch, mortal man. Listen carefully and pay close attention to everything I show you, because this is why you were brought here. You are to tell the people of Israel everything you see."
Daniel 9:23
When you began to plead with God, he answered you. He loves you, and so I have come to tell you the answer. Now pay attention while I explain the vision.
Daniel 9:25
Note this and understand it: From the time the command is given to rebuild Jerusalem until God's chosen leader comes, seven times seven years will pass. Jerusalem will be rebuilt with streets and strong defenses, and will stand for seven times sixty-two years, but this will be a time of troubles.
Daniel 10:12-14
Then he said, "Daniel, don't be afraid. God has heard your prayers ever since the first day you decided to humble yourself in order to gain understanding. I have come in answer to your prayer.
The angel prince of the kingdom of Persia opposed me for twenty-one days. Then Michael, one of the chief angels, came to help me, because I had been left there alone in Persia.
I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the future. This is a vision about the future."
Hebrews 2:1
That is why we must hold on all the more firmly to the truths we have heard, so that we will not be carried away.
Revelation 1:3
Happy is the one who reads this book, and happy are those who listen to the words of this prophetic message and obey what is written in this book! For the time is near when all these things will happen.
Revelation 3:22
"If you have ears, then, listen to what the Spirit says to the churches!"
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