Bible Cross References
We have
Exodus 9:27
The king sent for Moses and Aaron and said, "This time I have sinned; the LORD is in the right, and my people and I are in the wrong.
Exodus 9:28
Pray to the LORD! We have had enough of this thunder and hail! I promise to let you go; you don't have to stay here any longer."
1 Samuel 12:19
and they said to Samuel, "Please, sir, pray to the LORD your God for us, so that we won't die. We now realize that, besides all our other sins, we have sinned by asking for a king."
1 Samuel 15:24
"Yes, I have sinned," Saul replied. "I disobeyed the LORD's command and your instructions. I was afraid of my men and did what they wanted.
1 Samuel 15:30
"I have sinned," Saul replied. "But at least show me respect in front of the leaders of my people and all of Israel. Go back with me so that I can worship the LORD your God."
Psalm 78:34
Whenever he killed some of them, the rest would turn to him; they would repent and pray earnestly to him.
Matthew 27:4
"I have sinned by betraying an innocent man to death!" he said. "What do we care about that?" they answered. "That is your business!"
Exodus 8:8
The king called for Moses and Aaron and said, "Pray to the LORD to take away these frogs, and I will let your people go, so that they can offer sacrifices to the LORD."
Exodus 8:28
The king said, "I will let you go to sacrifice to the LORD, your God, in the desert, if you do not go very far. Pray for me."
1 Kings 13:6
King Jeroboam said to the prophet, "Please pray for me to the LORD your God, and ask him to heal my arm!" The prophet prayed to the LORD, and the king's arm was healed.
Jeremiah 37:3
King Zedekiah sent Jehucal son of Shelemiah and the priest Zephaniah son of Maaseiah to ask me to pray to the LORD our God on behalf of our nation.
Acts 8:24
Simon said to Peter and John, "Please pray to the Lord for me, so that none of these things you spoke of will happen to me."
James 5:16
So then, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, so that you will be healed. The prayer of a good person has a powerful effect.
And Moses
Numbers 11:2
The people cried out to Moses for help; he prayed to the LORD, and the fire died down.
Numbers 14:17-20
So now, LORD, I pray, show us your power and do what you promised when you said,
'I, the LORD, am not easily angered, and I show great love and faithfulness and forgive sin and rebellion. Yet I will not fail to punish children and grandchildren to the third and fourth generation for the sins of their parents.'
And now, LORD, according to the greatness of your unchanging love, forgive, I pray, the sin of these people, just as you have forgiven them ever since they left Egypt."
The LORD answered, "I will forgive them, as you have asked.
Genesis 20:7
But now, give the woman back to her husband. He is a prophet, and he will pray for you, so that you will not die. But if you do not give her back, I warn you that you are going to die, you and all your people."
Exodus 32:11
But Moses pleaded with the LORD his God and said, " LORD, why should you be so angry with your people, whom you rescued from Egypt with great might and power?
Exodus 32:30
The next day Moses said to the people, "You have committed a terrible sin. But now I will again go up the mountain to the LORD; perhaps I can obtain forgiveness for your sin."
Deuteronomy 9:20
The LORD was also angry enough with Aaron to kill him, so I prayed for Aaron at the same time.
Deuteronomy 9:26-29
And I prayed, 'Sovereign LORD, don't destroy your own people, the people you rescued and brought out of Egypt by your great strength and power.
Remember your servants, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and do not pay any attention to the stubbornness, wickedness, and sin of this people.
Otherwise, the Egyptians will say that you were unable to take your people into the land that you had promised them. They will say that you took your people out into the desert to kill them, because you hated them.
After all, these are the people whom you chose to be your own and whom you brought out of Egypt by your great power and might.'
1 Samuel 12:20-23
"Don't be afraid," Samuel answered. "Even though you have done such an evil thing, do not turn away from the LORD, but serve him with all your heart.
Don't go after false gods; they cannot help you or save you, for they are not real.
The LORD has made a solemn promise, and he will not abandon you, for he has decided to make you his own people.
As for me, the LORD forbid that I should sin against him by no longer praying for you. Instead, I will teach you what is good and right for you to do.
Job 42:8
Now take seven bulls and seven rams to Job and offer them as a sacrifice for yourselves. Job will pray for you, and I will answer his prayer and not disgrace you the way you deserve. You did not speak the truth about me as he did."
Job 42:10
Then, after Job had prayed for his three friends, the LORD made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had had before.
Psalm 106:23
When God said that he would destroy his people, his chosen servant, Moses, stood up against God and kept his anger from destroying them.
Jeremiah 15:1
Then the LORD said to me, "Even if Moses and Samuel were standing here pleading with me, I would not show these people any mercy. Make them go away; make them get out of my sight.
Romans 10:1
My friends, how I wish with all my heart that my own people might be saved! How I pray to God for them!
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