Bible Cross References
Genesis 4:11-17
You are placed under a curse and can no longer farm the soil. It has soaked up your brother's blood as if it had opened its mouth to receive it when you killed him.
If you try to grow crops, the soil will not produce anything; you will be a homeless wanderer on the earth."
And Cain said to the LORD, "This punishment is too hard for me to bear.
You are driving me off the land and away from your presence. I will be a homeless wanderer on the earth, and anyone who finds me will kill me."
But the LORD answered, "No. If anyone kills you, seven lives will be taken in revenge." So the LORD put a mark on Cain to warn anyone who met him not to kill him.
And Cain went away from the LORD's presence and lived in a land called "Wandering," which is east of Eden.
Cain and his wife had a son and named him Enoch. Then Cain built a city and named it after his son.
Joshua 6:26
At this time Joshua issued a solemn warning: "Anyone who tries to rebuild the city of Jericho will be under the LORD's curse. Whoever lays the foundation will lose his oldest son; Whoever builds the gates will lose his youngest."
1 Kings 16:34
During his reign Hiel from Bethel rebuilt Jericho. As the LORD had foretold through Joshua son of Nun, Hiel lost his oldest son Abiram when he laid the foundation of Jericho, and his youngest son Segub when he built the gates.
Jeremiah 22:13-17
Doomed is the one who builds his house by injustice and enlarges it by dishonesty; who makes his people work for nothing and does not pay their wages.
Doomed is the one who says, "I will build myself a mansion with spacious rooms upstairs." So he puts windows in his house, panels it with cedar, and paints it red.
Does it make you a better king if you build houses of cedar, finer than those of others? Your father enjoyed a full life. He was always just and fair, and he prospered in everything he did.
He gave the poor a fair trial, and all went well with him. That is what it means to know the LORD.
But you can only see your selfish interests; you kill the innocent and violently oppress your people. The LORD has spoken.
Ezekiel 24:9
This is what the Sovereign LORD is saying: "The city of murderers is doomed! I myself will pile up the firewood.
Daniel 4:27-31
So then, Your Majesty, follow my advice. Stop sinning, do what is right, and be merciful to the poor. Then you will continue to be prosperous."
All this did happen to King Nebuchadnezzar.
Only twelve months later, while he was walking around on the roof of his royal palace in Babylon,
he said, "Look how great Babylon is! I built it as my capital city to display my power and might, my glory and majesty."
Before the words were out of his mouth, a voice spoke from heaven, "King Nebuchadnezzar, listen to what I say! Your royal power is now taken away from you.
Micah 3:10
You are building God's city, Jerusalem, on a foundation of murder and injustice.
Nahum 3:1
Doomed is the lying, murderous city, full of wealth to be looted and plundered!
John 11:47-50
So the Pharisees and the chief priests met with the Council and said, "What shall we do? Look at all the miracles this man is performing!
If we let him go on in this way, everyone will believe in him, and the Roman authorities will take action and destroy our Temple and our nation!"
One of them, named Caiaphas, who was High Priest that year, said, "What fools you are!
Don't you realize that it is better for you to have one man die for the people, instead of having the whole nation destroyed?"
Revelation 17:6
And I saw that the woman was drunk with the blood of God's people and the blood of those who were killed because they had been loyal to Jesus. When I saw her, I was completely amazed.
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