Bible Cross References
Leviticus 26:26
I will cut off your food supply, so that ten women will need only one oven to bake all the bread they have. They will ration it out, and when you have eaten it all, you will still be hungry.
Isaiah 65:13
And so I tell you that those who worship and obey me will have plenty to eat and drink, but you will be hungry and thirsty. They will be happy, but you will be disgraced.
Ezekiel 4:16
And he added, "Mortal man, I am going to cut off the supply of bread for Jerusalem. The people there will be distressed and anxious as they measure out the food they eat and the water they drink.
Ezekiel 4:17
They will run out of bread and water; they will be in despair, and they will waste away because of their sins."
Hosea 4:10
You will eat your share of the sacrifices, but still be hungry. You will worship the fertility gods, but still have no children, because you have turned away from me to follow other gods."
Haggai 1:6
You have planted much grain, but have harvested very little. You have food to eat, but not enough to make you full. You have wine to drink, but not enough to get drunk on! You have clothing, but not enough to keep you warm. And workers cannot earn enough to live on.
Haggai 2:16
you would go to a pile of grain expecting to find twenty bushels, but there would be only ten. You would go to draw fifty gallons of wine from a vat, but find only twenty.
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Deuteronomy 32:22-25
My anger will flame up like fire and burn everything on earth. It will reach to the world below and consume the roots of the mountains.
" 'I will bring on them endless disasters and use all my arrows against them.
They will die from hunger and fever; they will die from terrible diseases. I will send wild animals to attack them, and poisonous snakes to bite them.
War will bring death in the streets; terrors will strike in the homes. Young men and young women will die; neither babies nor old people will be spared.
Isaiah 3:6-8
A time will come when the members of a clan will choose one of their number and say to him, "You at least have something to wear, so be our leader in this time of trouble."
But he will answer, "Not me! I can't help you. I don't have any food or clothes either. Don't make me your leader!"
Yes, Jerusalem is doomed! Judah is collapsing! Everything they say and do is against the LORD; they openly insult God himself.
Isaiah 24:17-20
Listen to me, everyone! There are terrors, pits, and traps waiting for you.
Anyone who tries to escape from the terror will fall in a pit, and anyone who escapes from the pit will be caught in a trap. Torrents of rain will pour from the sky, and earth's foundations will shake.
The earth will crack and shatter and split open.
The earth itself will stagger like a drunk, sway like a hut in a storm. The world is weighed down by its sins; it will collapse and never rise again.
Jeremiah 48:44
Whoever tries to escape the terror will fall into the pits, and whoever climbs out of the pits will be caught in the traps, because the LORD has set the time for Moab's destruction.
Ezekiel 5:12
A third of your people will die from sickness and hunger in the city; a third will be cut down by swords outside the city; and I will scatter the last third to the winds and pursue them with a sword.
Amos 2:14-16
Not even fast runners will escape; strong men will lose their strength, and soldiers will not be able to save their own lives.
Archers will not stand their ground, fast runners will not get away, and men on horses will not escape with their lives.
On that day even the bravest soldiers will drop their weapons and run." The LORD has spoken.
Amos 9:1-4
I saw the Lord standing by the altar. He gave the command: "Strike the tops of the Temple columns so hard that the foundation will shake. Break them off and let them fall on the heads of the people. I will kill the rest of the people in war. No one will get away; not one will escape.
Even if they dig their way down to the world of the dead, I will catch them. Even if they climb up to heaven, I will bring them down.
If they hide on the top of Mount Carmel, I will search for them and catch them. If they hide from me at the bottom of the sea, I will command the sea monster to bite them.
If they are taken away into captivity by their enemies, I will order them to be put to death. I am determined to destroy them, not to help them."
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