Bible Cross References
I know
Deuteronomy 31:21
and many terrible disasters will come on them. But this song will still be sung, and it will stand as evidence against them. Even now, before I take them into the land that I promised to give them, I know what they are thinking."
Isaiah 66:18
I know their thoughts and their deeds. I am coming to gather the people of all the nations. When they come together, they will see what my power can do
Jeremiah 29:23
This will be their fate because they are guilty of terrible sins---they have committed adultery and have told lies in the LORD's name. This was against the LORD's will; he knows what they have done, and he is a witness against them. The LORD has spoken."
Hebrews 4:12
The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It cuts all the way through, to where soul and spirit meet, to where joints and marrow come together. It judges the desires and thoughts of the heart.
Hebrews 4:13
There is nothing that can be hid from God; everything in all creation is exposed and lies open before his eyes. And it is to him that we must all give an account of ourselves.
2 Kings 17:7-17
Samaria fell because the Israelites sinned against the LORD their God, who had rescued them from the king of Egypt and had led them out of Egypt. They worshiped other gods,
followed the customs of the people whom the LORD had driven out as his people advanced, and adopted customs introduced by the kings of Israel.
The Israelites did things that the LORD their God disapproved of. They built pagan places of worship in all their towns, from the smallest village to the largest city.
On all the hills and under every shady tree they put up stone pillars and images of the goddess Asherah,
and they burned incense on all the pagan altars, following the practice of the people whom the LORD had driven out of the land. They aroused the LORD's anger with all their wicked deeds
and disobeyed the LORD's command not to worship idols.
The LORD had sent his messengers and prophets to warn Israel and Judah: "Abandon your evil ways and obey my commands, which are contained in the Law I gave to your ancestors and which I handed on to you through my servants the prophets."
But they would not obey; they were stubborn like their ancestors, who had not trusted in the LORD their God.
They refused to obey his instructions, they did not keep the covenant he had made with their ancestors, and they disregarded his warnings. They worshiped worthless idols and became worthless themselves, and they followed the customs of the surrounding nations, disobeying the LORD's command not to imitate them.
They broke all the laws of the LORD their God and made two metal bull-calves to worship; they also made an image of the goddess Asherah, worshiped the stars, and served the god Baal.
They sacrificed their sons and daughters as burnt offerings to pagan gods; they consulted mediums and fortunetellers, and they devoted themselves completely to doing what is wrong in the LORD's sight, and so aroused his anger.
Isaiah 47:9
But in a moment, in a single day, both of these things will happen. In spite of all the magic you use, you will lose your husband and children.
they afflict
Amos 2:6
The LORD says, "The people of Israel have sinned again and again, and for this I will certainly punish them. They sell into slavery honest people who cannot pay their debts, the poor who cannot repay even the price of a pair of sandals.
Amos 2:7
They trample down the weak and helpless and push the poor out of the way. A man and his father have intercourse with the same slave woman, and so profane my holy name.
Amos 2:16
On that day even the bravest soldiers will drop their weapons and run." The LORD has spoken.
Acts 3:13
The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of our ancestors, has given divine glory to his Servant Jesus. But you handed him over to the authorities, and you rejected him in Pilate's presence, even after Pilate had decided to set him free.
Acts 3:14
He was holy and good, but you rejected him, and instead you asked Pilate to do you the favor of turning loose a murderer.
Acts 7:52
Was there any prophet that your ancestors did not persecute? They killed God's messengers, who long ago announced the coming of his righteous Servant. And now you have betrayed and murdered him.
James 5:4
You have not paid any wages to those who work in your fields. Listen to their complaints! The cries of those who gather in your crops have reached the ears of God, the Lord Almighty.
James 5:6
You have condemned and murdered innocent people, and they do not resist you.
1 Samuel 8:3
But they did not follow their father's example; they were interested only in making money, so they accepted bribes and did not decide cases honestly.
Psalm 26:9
Do not destroy me with the sinners; spare me from the fate of murderers---
Psalm 26:10
those who do evil all the time and are always ready to take bribes.
Isaiah 1:23
Your leaders are rebels and friends of thieves; they are always accepting gifts and bribes. They never defend orphans in court or listen when widows present their case.
Isaiah 33:15
You can survive if you say and do what is right. Don't use your power to cheat the poor and don't accept bribes. Don't join with those who plan to commit murder or to do other evil things.
Micah 3:11
The city's rulers govern for bribes, the priests interpret the Law for pay, the prophets give their revelations for money---and they all claim that the LORD is with them. "No harm will come to us," they say. "The LORD is with us."
Micah 7:3
They are all experts at doing evil. Officials and judges ask for bribes. The influential people tell them what they want, and so they scheme together.
and they
Amos 2:7
They trample down the weak and helpless and push the poor out of the way. A man and his father have intercourse with the same slave woman, and so profane my holy name.
Isaiah 10:2
That is how you keep the poor from having their rights and from getting justice. That is how you take the property that belongs to widows and orphans.
Isaiah 29:21
God will destroy those who slander others, those who prevent the punishment of criminals, and those who tell lies to keep honest people from getting justice.
Lamentations 3:34
The Lord knows when our spirits are crushed in prison;
Malachi 3:5
The LORD Almighty says, "I will appear among you to judge, and I will testify at once against those who practice magic, against adulterers, against those who give false testimony, those who cheat employees out of their wages, and those who take advantage of widows, orphans, and foreigners---against all who do not respect me.
in the
Amos 5:10
You people hate anyone who challenges injustice and speaks the whole truth in court.
Deuteronomy 16:18
"Appoint judges and other officials in every town that the LORD your God gives you. These men are to judge the people impartially.
Ruth 4:1
Boaz went to the meeting place at the town gate and sat down there. Then Elimelech's nearest relative, the man whom Boaz had mentioned, came by, and Boaz called to him, "Come over here, my friend, and sit down." So he went over and sat down.
Job 29:7-25
Whenever the city elders met and I took my place among them,
young men stepped aside as soon as they saw me, and old men stood up to show me respect.
The leaders of the people would stop talking;
even the most important men kept silent.
Everyone who saw me or heard of me had good things to say about what I had done.
When the poor cried out, I helped them; I gave help to orphans who had nowhere to turn.
People who were in deepest misery praised me, and I helped widows find security.
I have always acted justly and fairly.
I was eyes for the blind, and feet for the lame.
I was like a father to the poor and took the side of strangers in trouble.
I destroyed the power of cruel men and rescued their victims.
I always expected to live a long life and to die at home in comfort.
I was like a tree whose roots always have water and whose branches are wet with dew.
Everyone was always praising me, and my strength never failed me.
When I gave advice, people were silent and listened carefully to what I said;
they had nothing to add when I had finished. My words sank in like drops of rain;
everyone welcomed them just as farmers welcome rain in spring.
I smiled on them when they had lost confidence; my cheerful face encouraged them.
I took charge and made the decisions; I led them as a king leads his troops, and gave them comfort in their despair.
Job 31:21
If I have ever cheated an orphan, knowing I could win in court,
Proverbs 22:22
Don't take advantage of the poor just because you can; don't take advantage of those who stand helpless in court.
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