Bible Cross References
Amos 4:2
As the Sovereign LORD is holy, he has promised, "The days will come when they will drag you away with hooks; every one of you will be like a fish on a hook.
Amos 4:3
You will be dragged to the nearest break in the wall and thrown out."
Amos 2:14
Not even fast runners will escape; strong men will lose their strength, and soldiers will not be able to save their own lives.
Amos 9:1-4
I saw the Lord standing by the altar. He gave the command: "Strike the tops of the Temple columns so hard that the foundation will shake. Break them off and let them fall on the heads of the people. I will kill the rest of the people in war. No one will get away; not one will escape.
Even if they dig their way down to the world of the dead, I will catch them. Even if they climb up to heaven, I will bring them down.
If they hide on the top of Mount Carmel, I will search for them and catch them. If they hide from me at the bottom of the sea, I will command the sea monster to bite them.
If they are taken away into captivity by their enemies, I will order them to be put to death. I am determined to destroy them, not to help them."
Amos 5:4-15
The LORD says to the people of Israel, "Come to me, and you will live.
Do not go to Beersheba to worship. Do not try to find me at Bethel---Bethel will come to nothing. Do not go to Gilgal---her people are doomed to exile."
Go to the LORD, and you will live. If you do not go, he will sweep down like fire on the people of Israel. The fire will burn up the people of Bethel, and no one will be able to put it out.
You are doomed, you that twist justice and cheat people out of their rights!
The LORD made the stars, the Pleiades and Orion. He turns darkness into daylight and day into night. He calls for the waters of the sea and pours them out on the earth. His name is the LORD.
He brings destruction on the mighty and their strongholds.
You people hate anyone who challenges injustice and speaks the whole truth in court.
You have oppressed the poor and robbed them of their grain. And so you will not live in the fine stone houses you build or drink wine from the beautiful vineyards you plant.
I know how terrible your sins are and how many crimes you have committed. You persecute good people, take bribes, and prevent the poor from getting justice in the courts.
And so, keeping quiet in such evil times is the smart thing to do!
Make it your aim to do what is right, not what is evil, so that you may live. Then the LORD God Almighty really will be with you, as you claim he is.
Hate what is evil, love what is right, and see that justice prevails in the courts. Perhaps the LORD will be merciful to the people of this nation who are still left alive.
Isaiah 47:3
People will see you naked; they will see you humbled and shamed. I will take vengeance, and no one will stop me."
Ezekiel 13:5
They don't guard the places where the walls have crumbled, nor do they rebuild the walls, and so Israel cannot be defended when war comes on the day of the LORD.
Ezekiel 22:30
I looked for someone who could build a wall, who could stand in the places where the walls have crumbled and defend the land when my anger is about to destroy it, but I could find no one.
Hosea 13:8
I will attack you like a bear that has lost her cubs, and I will tear you open. Like a lion I will devour you on the spot, and will tear you to pieces like a wild animal.
Matthew 5:25
"If someone brings a lawsuit against you and takes you to court, settle the dispute while there is time, before you get to court. Once you are there, you will be turned over to the judge, who will hand you over to the police, and you will be put in jail.
Matthew 24:44-51
So then, you also must always be ready, because the Son of Man will come at an hour when you are not expecting him.
"Who, then, is a faithful and wise servant? It is the one that his master has placed in charge of the other servants to give them their food at the proper time.
How happy that servant is if his master finds him doing this when he comes home!
Indeed, I tell you, the master will put that servant in charge of all his property.
But if he is a bad servant, he will tell himself that his master will not come back for a long time,
and he will begin to beat his fellow servants and to eat and drink with drunkards.
Then that servant's master will come back one day when the servant does not expect him and at a time he does not know.
The master will cut him in pieces and make him share the fate of the hypocrites. There he will cry and gnash his teeth.
Matthew 25:1-13
"At that time the Kingdom of heaven will be like this. Once there were ten young women who took their oil lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.
Five of them were foolish, and the other five were wise.
The foolish ones took their lamps but did not take any extra oil with them,
while the wise ones took containers full of oil for their lamps.
The bridegroom was late in coming, so they began to nod and fall asleep.
"It was already midnight when the cry rang out, 'Here is the bridegroom! Come and meet him!'
The ten young women woke up and trimmed their lamps.
Then the foolish ones said to the wise ones, 'Let us have some of your oil, because our lamps are going out.'
'No, indeed,' the wise ones answered, 'there is not enough for you and for us. Go to the store and buy some for yourselves.'
So the foolish ones went off to buy some oil; and while they were gone, the bridegroom arrived. The five who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast, and the door was closed.
"Later the others arrived. 'Sir, sir! Let us in!' they cried out.
'Certainly not! I don't know you,' the bridegroom answered."
And Jesus concluded, "Watch out, then, because you do not know the day or the hour.
Mark 13:32-37
"No one knows, however, when that day or hour will come---neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son; only the Father knows.
Be on watch, be alert, for you do not know when the time will come.
It will be like a man who goes away from home on a trip and leaves his servants in charge, after giving to each one his own work to do and after telling the doorkeeper to keep watch.
Watch, then, because you do not know when the master of the house is coming---it might be in the evening or at midnight or before dawn or at sunrise.
If he comes suddenly, he must not find you asleep.
What I say to you, then, I say to all: Watch!"
Luke 14:31
If a king goes out with ten thousand men to fight another king who comes against him with twenty thousand men, he will sit down first and decide if he is strong enough to face that other king.
Luke 14:32
If he isn't, he will send messengers to meet the other king to ask for terms of peace while he is still a long way off.
Luke 21:3-36
He said, "I tell you that this poor widow put in more than all the others.
For the others offered their gifts from what they had to spare of their riches; but she, poor as she is, gave all she had to live on."
Some of the disciples were talking about the Temple, how beautiful it looked with its fine stones and the gifts offered to God. Jesus said,
"All this you see---the time will come when not a single stone here will be left in its place; every one will be thrown down."
"Teacher," they asked, "when will this be? And what will happen in order to show that the time has come for it to take place?"
Jesus said, "Watch out; don't be fooled. Many men, claiming to speak for me, will come and say, 'I am he!' and, 'The time has come!' But don't follow them.
Don't be afraid when you hear of wars and revolutions; such things must happen first, but they do not mean that the end is near."
He went on to say, "Countries will fight each other; kingdoms will attack one another.
There will be terrible earthquakes, famines, and plagues everywhere; there will be strange and terrifying things coming from the sky.
Before all these things take place, however, you will be arrested and persecuted; you will be handed over to be tried in synagogues and be put in prison; you will be brought before kings and rulers for my sake.
This will be your chance to tell the Good News.
Make up your minds ahead of time not to worry about how you will defend yourselves,
because I will give you such words and wisdom that none of your enemies will be able to refute or contradict what you say.
You will be handed over by your parents, your brothers, your relatives, and your friends; and some of you will be put to death.
Everyone will hate you because of me.
But not a single hair from your heads will be lost.
Stand firm, and you will save yourselves.
"When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then you will know that it will soon be destroyed.
Then those who are in Judea must run away to the hills; those who are in the city must leave, and those who are out in the country must not go into the city.
For those will be 'The Days of Punishment,' to make come true all that the Scriptures say.
How terrible it will be in those days for women who are pregnant and for mothers with little babies! Terrible distress will come upon this land, and God's punishment will fall on this people.
Some will be killed by the sword, and others will be taken as prisoners to all countries; and the heathen will trample over Jerusalem until their time is up.
"There will be strange things happening to the sun, the moon, and the stars. On earth whole countries will be in despair, afraid of the roar of the sea and the raging tides.
People will faint from fear as they wait for what is coming over the whole earth, for the powers in space will be driven from their courses.
Then the Son of Man will appear, coming in a cloud with great power and glory.
When these things begin to happen, stand up and raise your heads, because your salvation is near."
Then Jesus told them this parable: "Think of the fig tree and all the other trees.
When you see their leaves beginning to appear, you know that summer is near.
In the same way, when you see these things happening, you will know that the Kingdom of God is about to come.
"Remember that all these things will take place before the people now living have all died.
Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.
"Be careful not to let yourselves become occupied with too much feasting and drinking and with the worries of this life, or that Day may suddenly catch you
like a trap. For it will come upon all people everywhere on earth.
Be on watch and pray always that you will have the strength to go safely through all those things that will happen and to stand before the Son of Man."
1 Thessalonians 5:2-4
For you yourselves know very well that the Day of the Lord will come as a thief comes at night.
When people say, "Everything is quiet and safe," then suddenly destruction will hit them! It will come as suddenly as the pains that come upon a woman in labor, and people will not escape.
But you, friends, are not in the darkness, and the Day should not take you by surprise like a thief.
James 4:1-10
Where do all the fights and quarrels among you come from? They come from your desires for pleasure, which are constantly fighting within you.
You want things, but you cannot have them, so you are ready to kill; you strongly desire things, but you cannot get them, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have what you want because you do not ask God for it.
And when you ask, you do not receive it, because your motives are bad; you ask for things to use for your own pleasures.
Unfaithful people! Don't you know that to be the world's friend means to be God's enemy? If you want to be the world's friend, you make yourself God's enemy.
Don't think that there is no truth in the scripture that says, "The spirit that God placed in us is filled with fierce desires."
But the grace that God gives is even stronger. As the scripture says, "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble."
So then, submit yourselves to God. Resist the Devil, and he will run away from you.
Come near to God, and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners! Purify your hearts, you hypocrites!
Be sorrowful, cry, and weep; change your laughter into crying, your joy into gloom!
Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
Revelation 3:3
Remember, then, what you were taught and what you heard; obey it and turn from your sins. If you do not wake up, I will come upon you like a thief, and you will not even know the time when I will come.
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