Bible Cross References
to do evil
Leviticus 27:2-34
the following regulations for the people of Israel. When any of you have been given to the LORD in fulfillment of a special vow, you may be set free by the payment of the following sums of money,
according to the official standard: --adult male, twenty to sixty years old: 50 pieces of silver --adult female: 30 pieces of silver --young male, five to twenty years old: 20 pieces of silver --young female: 10 pieces of silver --infant male under five: 5 pieces of silver --infant female: 3 pieces of silver --male above sixty years of age: 15 pieces of silver --female above sixty: 10 pieces of silver
If any of you make a vow and are too poor to pay the standard price, you shall bring the person to the priest, and the priest will set a lower price, according to your ability to pay.
If your vow concerns an animal that is acceptable as an offering to the LORD, then every gift made to the LORD is sacred,
and you may not substitute another animal for it. If you do, both animals belong to the LORD.
But if your vow concerns a ritually unclean animal, which is not acceptable as an offering to the LORD, you shall take the animal to the priest.
The priest shall set a price for it, according to its good or bad qualities, and the price will be final.
If you wish to buy it back, you must pay the price plus an additional 20 percent.
When any of you dedicate your house to the LORD, the priest shall set the price according to its good or bad points, and the price will be final.
If you wish to buy your house back, you must pay the price plus an additional 20 percent.
If any of you dedicate part of your land to the LORD, the price shall be set according to the amount of seed it takes to sow it, at the rate of ten pieces of silver per bushel of barley.
If you dedicate the land immediately after a Year of Restoration, the full price applies.
If you dedicate it any time later, the priest shall estimate the cash value according to the number of years left until the next Year of Restoration, and set a reduced price.
If you wish to buy your field back, you must pay the price plus an additional 20 percent.
If you sell the field to someone else without first buying it back from the LORD, you lose the right to buy it back.
At the next Year of Restoration the field will become the LORD's permanent property; it shall belong to the priests.
If you dedicate to the LORD a field that you have bought,
the priest shall estimate its value according to the number of years until the next Year of Restoration, and you must pay the price that very day; the money belongs to the LORD.
At the Year of Restoration the field shall be returned to the original owner or to the descendants.
All prices shall be set according to the official standard.
The first-born of an animal already belongs to the LORD, so no one may dedicate it to him as a freewill offering. A calf, a lamb, or a kid belongs to the LORD,
but the first-born of an unclean animal may be bought back at the standard price plus an additional 20 percent. If it is not bought back, it may be sold to someone else at the standard price.
None of you may sell or buy back what you have unconditionally dedicated to the LORD, whether it is a human being, an animal, or land. It belongs permanently to the LORD.
Not even human beings who have been unconditionally dedicated may be bought back; they must be put to death.
One tenth of all the produce of the land, whether grain or fruit, belongs to the LORD.
If you wish to buy any of it back, you must pay the standard price plus an additional 20 percent.
One of every ten domestic animals belongs to the LORD. When the animals are counted, every tenth one belongs to the LORD.
You may not arrange the animals so that the poor animals are chosen, and you may not make any substitutions. If you do substitute one animal for another, then both animals will belong to the LORD and may not be bought back.
These are the commands that the LORD gave Moses on Mount Sinai for the people of Israel.
Joshua 2:14
The men said to her, "May God take our lives if we don't do as we say! If you do not tell anyone what we have been doing, we promise you that when the LORD gives us this land, we will treat you well."
Joshua 9:15
Joshua made a treaty of friendship with the people of Gibeon and allowed them to live. The leaders of the community of Israel gave their solemn promise to keep the treaty.
Judges 9:19
Now then, if what you did today to Gideon and his family was sincere and honest, then be happy with Abimelech and let him be happy with you.
Judges 11:31
I will burn as an offering the first person that comes out of my house to meet me, when I come back from the victory. I will offer that person to you as a sacrifice."
Judges 21:7
What shall we do to provide wives for the men of Benjamin who are left? We have made a solemn promise to the LORD that we will not give them any of our daughters."
Judges 21:18
but we cannot allow them to marry our daughters, because we have put a curse on anyone who allows a Benjaminite to marry one of our daughters."
1 Samuel 1:11
Hannah made a solemn promise: " LORD Almighty, look at me, your servant! See my trouble and remember me! Don't forget me! If you give me a son, I promise that I will dedicate him to you for his whole life and that he will never have his hair cut."
1 Samuel 14:24-28
The Israelites were weak with hunger that day, because Saul, with a solemn oath, had given the order: "A curse be on anyone who eats any food today before I take revenge on my enemies." So nobody had eaten anything all day.
They all came into a wooded area and found honey everywhere.
The woods were full of honey, but no one ate any of it because they were all afraid of Saul's curse.
But Jonathan had not heard his father threaten the people with a curse; so he reached out with the stick he was carrying, dipped it in a honeycomb, and ate some honey. At once he felt much better.
But one of the men told him, "We are all weak from hunger, but your father threatened us and said, 'A curse be on anyone who eats any food today.' "
1 Samuel 24:21
But promise me in the LORD's name that you will spare my descendants, so that my name and my family's name will not be completely forgotten."
1 Samuel 24:22
David promised that he would. Then Saul went back home, and David and his men went back to their hiding place.
1 Samuel 25:22
May God strike me dead if I don't kill every last one of those men before morning!"
2 Samuel 21:7
But because of the sacred promise that he and Jonathan had made to each other, David spared Jonathan's son Mephibosheth, the grandson of Saul.
2 Kings 6:31
He exclaimed, "May God strike me dead if Elisha is not beheaded before the day is over!"
Psalm 132:2-5
Remember, LORD, what he promised, the vow he made to you, the Mighty God of Jacob:
"I will not go home or go to bed;
I will not rest or sleep,
until I provide a place for the LORD, a home for the Mighty God of Jacob."
Ecclesiastes 5:2-6
Think before you speak, and don't make any rash promises to God. He is in heaven and you are on earth, so don't say any more than you have to.
The more you worry, the more likely you are to have bad dreams, and the more you talk, the more likely you are to say something foolish.
So when you make a promise to God, keep it as quickly as possible. He has no use for a fool. Do what you promise to do.
Better not to promise at all than to make a promise and not keep it.
Don't let your own words lead you into sin, so that you have to tell God's priest that you didn't mean it. Why make God angry with you? Why let him destroy what you have worked for?
Ezekiel 17:18
He broke his oath and the treaty he had made. He did all these things, and now he will not escape."
Ezekiel 17:19
The Sovereign LORD says, "As surely as I am the living God, I will punish him for breaking the treaty which he swore in my name to keep.
Matthew 14:7
that he promised her, "I swear that I will give you anything you ask for!"
Matthew 14:9
The king was sad, but because of the promise he had made in front of all his guests he gave orders that her wish be granted.
Mark 6:23
With many vows he said to her, "I swear that I will give you anything you ask for, even as much as half my kingdom!"
Acts 23:12
The next morning some Jews met together and made a plan. They took a vow that they would not eat or drink anything until they had killed Paul.