Bible Cross References
Psalm 119:83
I am as useless as a discarded wineskin; yet I have not forgotten your commands.
Isaiah 13:8
They will all be terrified and overcome with pain, like the pain of a woman in labor. They will look at each other in fear, and their faces will burn with shame.
Jeremiah 8:21
My heart has been crushed because my people are crushed; I mourn; I am completely dismayed.
Jeremiah 30:6
Now stop and think! Can a man give birth to a child? Why then do I see every man with his hands on his stomach like a woman in labor? Why is everyone so pale?
Lamentations 4:8
Now they lie unknown in the streets, their faces blackened in death; their skin, dry as wood, has shriveled on their bones.
Nahum 2:10
Nineveh is destroyed, deserted, desolate! Hearts melt with fear; knees tremble, strength is gone; faces grow pale.
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