Bible Cross References
A day of darkness
Joel 2:10
The earth shakes as they advance; the sky trembles. The sun and the moon grow dark, and the stars no longer shine.
Joel 2:31
The sun will be darkened, and the moon will turn red as blood before the great and terrible day of the LORD comes.
Joel 3:14
Thousands and thousands are in the Valley of Judgment. It is there that the day of the LORD will soon come.
Joel 3:15
The sun and the moon grow dark, and the stars no longer shine.
Exodus 20:21
But the people continued to stand a long way off, and only Moses went near the dark cloud where God was.
Psalm 97:2
Clouds and darkness surround him; he rules with righteousness and justice.
Isaiah 5:30
When that day comes, they will roar over Israel as loudly as the sea. Look at this country! Darkness and distress! The light is swallowed by darkness.
Isaiah 8:22
or stare at the ground, but they will see nothing but trouble and darkness, terrifying darkness into which they are being driven.
Jeremiah 13:16
Honor the LORD, your God, before he brings darkness, and you stumble on the mountains; before he turns into deep darkness the light you hoped for.
Amos 5:18-20
How terrible it will be for you who long for the day of the LORD! What good will that day do you? For you it will be a day of darkness and not of light.
It will be like someone who runs from a lion and meets a bear! Or like someone who comes home and puts his hand on the wall---only to be bitten by a snake!
The day of the LORD will bring darkness and not light; it will be a day of gloom, without any brightness.
Zephaniah 1:14
The great day of the LORD is near---very near and coming fast! That day will be bitter, for even the bravest soldiers will cry out in despair!
Zephaniah 1:15
It will be a day of fury, a day of trouble and distress, a day of ruin and destruction, a day of darkness and gloom, a black and cloudy day,
Hebrews 12:18
You have not come, as the people of Israel came, to what you can feel, to Mount Sinai with its blazing fire, the darkness and the gloom, the storm,
Jude 1:13
They are like wild waves of the sea, with their shameful deeds showing up like foam. They are like wandering stars, for whom God has reserved a place forever in the deepest darkness.
Amos 4:13
God is the one who made the mountains and created the winds. He makes his thoughts known to people; he changes day into night. He walks on the heights of the earth. This is his name: the LORD God Almighty!
a great
Joel 2:5
As they leap on the tops of the mountains, they rattle like chariots; they crackle like dry grass on fire. They are lined up like a great army ready for battle.
Joel 2:11
The LORD thunders commands to his army. The troops that obey him are many and mighty. How terrible is the day of the LORD! Who will survive it?
Joel 2:25
I will give you back what you lost in the years when swarms of locusts ate your crops. It was I who sent this army against you.
Joel 1:6
An army of locusts has attacked our land; they are powerful and too many to count; their teeth are as sharp as those of a lion.
Joel 1:2
Pay attention, you older people; everyone in Judah, listen. Has anything like this ever happened in your time or the time of your ancestors?
Joel 1:3
Tell your children about it; they will tell their children, who in turn will tell the next generation.
Exodus 10:6
They will fill your palaces and the houses of all your officials and all your people. They will be worse than anything your ancestors ever saw.' " Then Moses turned and left.
Exodus 10:14
They came in swarms and settled over the whole country. It was the largest swarm of locusts that had ever been seen or that ever would be seen again.
Daniel 12:1
The angel wearing linen clothes said, "At that time the great angel Michael, who guards your people, will appear. Then there will be a time of troubles, the worst since nations first came into existence. When that time comes, all the people of your nation whose names are written in God's book will be saved.
Mark 13:19
For the trouble of those days will be far worse than any the world has ever known from the very beginning when God created the world until the present time. Nor will there ever be anything like it again.
many generations
Deuteronomy 32:7
"Think of the past, of the time long ago; ask your parents to tell you what happened, ask the old people to tell of the past.
Psalm 10:6
They say to themselves, "We will never fail; we will never be in trouble."
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