Bible Cross References
1 Samuel 2:7
He makes some people poor and others rich; he humbles some and makes others great.
Nehemiah 9:8
You found that he was faithful to you, and you made a covenant with him. You promised to give him the land of the Canaanites, the land of the Hittites and the Amorites, the land of the Perizzites, the Jebusites, the Girgashites, to be a land where his descendants would live. You kept your promise, because you are faithful.
Psalm 31:1
I come to you, LORD, for protection; never let me be defeated. You are a righteous God; save me, I pray!
Psalm 71:2
Because you are righteous, help me and rescue me. Listen to me and save me!
Psalm 143:1
LORD, hear my prayer! In your righteousness listen to my plea; answer me in your faithfulness!
Micah 6:4
I brought you out of Egypt; I rescued you from slavery; I sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to lead you.
Micah 6:5
My people, remember what King Balak of Moab planned to do to you and how Balaam son of Beor answered him. Remember the things that happened on the way from the camp at Acacia to Gilgal. Remember these things and you will realize what I did in order to save you."
2 Thessalonians 1:6
God will do what is right: he will bring suffering on those who make you suffer,
1 John 1:9
But if we confess our sins to God, he will keep his promise and do what is right: he will forgive us our sins and purify us from all our wrongdoing.
thy holy
Daniel 9:20
I went on praying, confessing my sins and the sins of my people Israel and pleading with the LORD my God to restore his holy Temple.
Psalm 87:1-3
The LORD built his city on the sacred hill;
more than any other place in Israel he loves the city of Jerusalem.
Listen, city of God, to the wonderful things he says about you:
Joel 3:17
"Then, Israel, you will know that I am the LORD your God. I live on Zion, my sacred hill. Jerusalem will be a sacred city; foreigners will never conquer it again.
Zechariah 8:3
I will return to Jerusalem, my holy city, and live there. It will be known as the faithful city, and the hill of the LORD Almighty will be called the sacred hill.
for the
Exodus 20:5
Do not bow down to any idol or worship it, because I am the LORD your God and I tolerate no rivals. I bring punishment on those who hate me and on their descendants down to the third and fourth generation.
Leviticus 26:39
The few of you who survive in the land of your enemies will waste away because of your own sin and the sin of your ancestors.
Leviticus 26:40
"But your descendants will confess their sins and the sins of their ancestors, who resisted me and rebelled against me,
Psalm 106:6-48
We have sinned as our ancestors did; we have been wicked and evil.
Our ancestors in Egypt did not understand God's wonderful acts; they forgot the many times he showed them his love, and they rebelled against the Almighty at the Red Sea.
But he saved them, as he had promised, in order to show his great power.
He gave a command to the Red Sea, and it dried up; he led his people across on dry land.
He saved them from those who hated them; he rescued them from their enemies.
But the water drowned their enemies; not one of them was left.
Then his people believed his promises and sang praises to him.
But they quickly forgot what he had done and acted without waiting for his advice.
They were filled with craving in the desert and put God to the test;
so he gave them what they asked for, but also sent a terrible disease among them.
There in the desert they were jealous of Moses and of Aaron, the LORD's holy servant.
Then the earth opened up and swallowed Dathan and buried Abiram and his family;
fire came down on their followers and burned up those wicked people.
They made a gold bull-calf at Sinai and worshiped that idol;
they exchanged the glory of God for the image of an animal that eats grass.
They forgot the God who had saved them by his mighty acts in Egypt.
What wonderful things he did there! What amazing things at the Red Sea!
When God said that he would destroy his people, his chosen servant, Moses, stood up against God and kept his anger from destroying them.
Then they rejected the pleasant land, because they did not believe God's promise.
They stayed in their tents and grumbled and would not listen to the LORD.
So he have them a solomn warning that he would make them die in the desert
and scatter their descendants among the heathen, letting them die in foreign countries.
Then at Peor, God's people joined in the worship of Baal and ate sacrifices offered to dead gods.
They stirred up the LORD's anger by their actions, and a terrible disease broke out among them.
But Phinehas stood up and punished the guilty, and the plague was stopped.
This has been remembered in his favor ever since and will be for all time to come.
At the springs of Meribah the people made the LORD angry, and Moses was in trouble on their account.
They made him so bitter that he spoke without stopping to think.
They did not kill the heathen, as the LORD had commanded them to do,
but they intermarried with them and adopted their pagan ways.
God's people worshiped idols, and this caused their destruction.
They offered their own sons and daughters as sacrifices to the idols of Canaan.
They killed those innocent children, and the land was defiled by those murders.
They made themselves impure by their actions and were unfaithful to God.
So the LORD was angry with his people; he was disgusted with them.
He abandoned them to the power of the heathen, and their enemies ruled over them.
They were oppressed by their enemies and were in complete subjection to them.
Many times the LORD rescued his people, but they chose to rebel against him and sank deeper into sin.
Yet the LORD heard them when they cried out, and he took notice of their distress.
For their sake he remembered his covenant, and because of his great love he relented.
He made all their oppressors feel sorry for them.
Save us, O LORD our God, and bring us back from among the nations, so that we may be thankful and praise your holy name.
Praise the LORD, the God of Israel; praise him now and forever! Let everyone say, "Amen!" Praise the LORD!
Matthew 23:31
So you actually admit that you are the descendants of those who murdered the prophets!
Matthew 23:32
Go on, then, and finish up what your ancestors started!
Luke 11:47-51
How terrible for you! You make fine tombs for the prophets---the very prophets your ancestors murdered.
You yourselves admit, then, that you approve of what your ancestors did; they murdered the prophets, and you build their tombs.
For this reason the Wisdom of God said, 'I will send them prophets and messengers; they will kill some of them and persecute others.'
So the people of this time will be punished for the murder of all the prophets killed since the creation of the world,
from the murder of Abel to the murder of Zechariah, who was killed between the altar and the Holy Place. Yes, I tell you, the people of this time will be punished for them all!
1 Kings 9:7-9
then I will remove my people Israel from the land that I have given them. I will also abandon this Temple which I have consecrated as the place where I am to be worshiped. People everywhere will ridicule Israel and treat her with contempt.
This Temple will become a pile of ruins, and everyone who passes by will be shocked and amazed. 'Why did the LORD do this to this land and this Temple?' they will ask.
People will answer, 'It is because they abandoned the LORD their God, who brought their ancestors out of Egypt. They gave their allegiance to other gods and worshiped them. That is why the LORD has brought this disaster on them.' "
Psalm 41:13
Praise the LORD, the God of Israel! Praise him now and forever! Amen! Amen!
Psalm 79:4
The surrounding nations insult us; they laugh at us and mock us.
Isaiah 64:9-11
so do not be too angry with us or hold our sins against us forever. We are your people; be merciful to us.
Your sacred cities are like a desert; Jerusalem is a deserted ruin,
and our Temple, the sacred and beautiful place where our ancestors praised you, has been destroyed by fire. All the places we loved are in ruins.
Jeremiah 24:9
I will bring such a disaster on them that all the nations of the world will be terrified. People will make fun of them, make jokes about them, ridicule them, and use their name as a curse everywhere I scatter them.
Jeremiah 29:18
I will pursue them with war, starvation, and disease, and all the nations of the world will be horrified at what they see. Everywhere I scatter them, people will be shocked and terrified at what has happened to them. People will make fun of them and use their name as a curse.
Lamentations 1:8
Her honor is gone; she is naked and held in contempt. She groans and hides her face in shame. Jerusalem made herself filthy with terrible sin.
Lamentations 1:9
Her uncleanness was easily seen, but she showed no concern for her fate. Her downfall was terrible; no one can comfort her. Her enemies have won, and she cries to the LORD for mercy.
Lamentations 2:15
People passing by the city look at you in scorn. They shake their heads and laugh at Jerusalem's ruins: "Is this that lovely city? Is this the pride of the world?"
Lamentations 2:16
All your enemies mock you and glare at you with hate. They curl their lips and sneer, "We have destroyed it! This is the day we have waited for!"
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