Bible Cross References
1 Samuel 2:3
Stop your loud boasting; silence your proud words. For the LORD is a God who knows, and he judges all that people do.
2 Chronicles 32:15
Now don't let Hezekiah deceive you or mislead you like that. Don't believe him! No god of any nation has ever been able to save his people from any Assyrian emperor. So certainly this god of yours can't save you!"
2 Chronicles 32:19
They talked about the God of Jerusalem in the same way that they talked about the gods of the other peoples, idols made by human hands.
Isaiah 10:13-19
The emperor of Assyria boasts, "I have done it all myself. I am strong and wise and clever. I wiped out the boundaries between nations and took the supplies they had stored. Like a bull I have trampled the people who live there.
The nations of the world were like a bird's nest, and I gathered their wealth as easily as gathering eggs. Not a wing fluttered to scare me off; no beak opened to scream at me!"
But the LORD says, "Can an ax claim to be greater than the one who uses it? Is a saw more important than the one who saws with it? A club doesn't lift up a person; a person lifts up a club."
The LORD Almighty is going to send disease to punish those who are now well-fed. In their bodies there will be a fire that burns and burns.
God, the light of Israel, will become a fire. Israel's holy God will become a flame, which in a single day will burn up everything, even the thorns and thistles.
The rich forests and farmlands will be totally destroyed, in the same way that a fatal sickness destroys someone.
There will be so few trees left that even a child will be able to count them.
Isaiah 36:20
When did any of the gods of all these countries ever save their country from our emperor? Then what makes you think the LORD can save Jerusalem?"
Isaiah 37:10
of Judah to tell him: "The god you are trusting in has told you that you will not fall into my hands, but don't let that deceive you.
Isaiah 37:23
Whom do you think you have been insulting and ridiculing? You have been disrespectful to me, the holy God of Israel.
Isaiah 37:29
I have received the report of that rage and that pride of yours, and now I will put a hook through your nose and a bit in your mouth and will take you back by the same road you came."
Daniel 11:36
"The king of Syria will do as he pleases. He will boast that he is greater than any god, superior even to the Supreme God. He will be able to do this until the time when God punishes him. God will do exactly what he has planned.
Malachi 3:13
"You have said terrible things about me," says the LORD. "But you ask, 'What have we said about you?'
2 Peter 2:18
They make proud and stupid statements, and use immoral bodily lusts to trap those who are just beginning to escape from among people who live in error.
Jude 1:15
to bring judgment on all, to condemn them all for the godless deeds they have performed and for all the terrible words that godless sinners have spoken against him!"
Revelation 13:5
The beast was allowed to make proud claims which were insulting to God, and it was permitted to have authority for forty-two months.
Revelation 13:6
It began to curse God, his name, the place where he lives, and all those who live in heaven.
have multiplied
Job 34:37
To his sins he adds rebellion; in front of us all he mocks God.
Job 35:16
It is useless for you to go on talking; it is clear you don't know what you are saying.
Psalm 73:8
They laugh at other people and speak of evil things; they are proud and make plans to oppress others.
Psalm 73:9
They speak evil of God in heaven and give arrogant orders to everyone on earth,
Ecclesiastes 10:14
A fool talks on and on. No one knows what is going to happen next, and no one can tell us what will happen after we die.
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Ezekiel 35:12
Then you will know that I, the LORD, heard you say with contempt that the mountains of Israel were desolate and that they were yours to devour.
Exodus 16:12
"I have heard the complaints of the Israelites. Tell them that at twilight they will have meat to eat, and in the morning they will have all the bread they want. Then they will know that I, the LORD, am their God."
Numbers 14:27
"How much longer are these wicked people going to complain against me? I have heard enough of these complaints!
2 Kings 19:28
I have received the report of that rage and that pride of yours, and now I will put a hook through your nose and a bit in your mouth, and take you back by the same road you came."
Jeremiah 29:23
This will be their fate because they are guilty of terrible sins---they have committed adultery and have told lies in the LORD's name. This was against the LORD's will; he knows what they have done, and he is a witness against them. The LORD has spoken."
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