Bible Cross References
I shall bring
Ezekiel 32:18-32
"Mortal man," he said, "mourn for all the many people of Egypt. Send them down with the other powerful nations to the world of the dead.
Say to them: "Do you think you are more beautiful than anyone else? You will go down to the world of the dead and lie there among the ungodly.
"The people of Egypt will fall with those who are killed in battle. A sword is ready to kill them all.
The greatest heroes and those who fought on the Egyptian side welcome the Egyptians to the world of the dead. They shout: 'The ungodly who were killed in battle have come down here, and here they lie!'
"Assyria is there, with the graves of her soldiers all around. They were all killed in battle,
and their graves are in the deepest parts of the world of the dead. All her soldiers fell in battle, and their graves surround her tomb. Yet once they terrified the land of the living.
"Elam is there, with the graves of her soldiers all around. They were all killed in battle, and they went down, uncircumcised, to the world of the dead. In life they spread terror, but now they lie dead and disgraced.
Elam lies down among those killed in battle, and the graves of her soldiers are all around her. They are all uncircumcised, all killed in battle. In life they spread terror, but now they lie dead and disgraced, sharing the fate of those killed in battle.
"Meshech and Tubal are there, with the graves of their soldiers all around. They are all uncircumcised, all killed in battle. Yet once they terrified the living.
They were not given honorable burial like the heroes of ancient times, who went fully armed to the world of the dead, their swords placed under their heads and their shields over their bodies. These heroes were once powerful enough to terrify the living.
"That is how the Egyptians will lie crushed among the uncircumcised who were killed in battle.
"Edom is there with her kings and rulers. They were powerful soldiers, but now they lie in the world of the dead with the uncircumcised who were killed in battle.
"All the princes of the north are there, and so are the Sidonians. Their power once spread terror, but now they go down in disgrace with those killed in battle and are laid to rest, uncircumcised. They share the disgrace of those who go down to the world of the dead.
"The sight of all these who were killed in battle will be a comfort to the king of Egypt and his army," says the Sovereign LORD.
"I caused the king of Egypt to terrorize the living, but he and all his army will be killed and laid to rest with all the uncircumcised who die in battle." The Sovereign LORD has spoken.
Ezekiel 34:1-31
"Mortal man," he said, "denounce the rulers of Israel. Prophesy to them, and tell them what I, the Sovereign LORD, say to them: You are doomed, you shepherds of Israel! You take care of yourselves, but never tend the sheep.
You drink the milk, wear clothes made from the wool, and kill and eat the finest sheep. But you never tend the sheep.
You have not taken care of the weak ones, healed the ones that are sick, bandaged the ones that are hurt, brought back the ones that wandered off, or looked for the ones that were lost. Instead, you treated them cruelly.
Because the sheep had no shepherd, they were scattered, and wild animals killed and ate them.
So my sheep wandered over the high hills and the mountains. They were scattered over the face of the earth, and no one looked for them or tried to find them.
"Now, you shepherds, listen to what I, the LORD, am telling you.
As surely as I am the living God, you had better listen to me. My sheep have been attacked by wild animals that killed and ate them because there was no shepherd. My shepherds did not try to find the sheep. They were taking care of themselves and not the sheep.
So listen to me, you shepherds.
I, the Sovereign LORD, declare that I am your enemy. I will take my sheep away from you and never again let you be their shepherds; never again will I let you take care only of yourselves. I will rescue my sheep from you and not let you eat them.
"I, the Sovereign LORD, tell you that I myself will look for my sheep and take care of them
in the same way as shepherds take care of their sheep that were scattered and are brought together again. I will bring them back from all the places where they were scattered on that dark, disastrous day.
I will take them out of foreign countries, gather them together, and bring them back to their own land. I will lead them back to the mountains and the streams of Israel and will feed them in pleasant pastures.
I will let them graze in safety in the mountain meadows and the valleys and in all the green pastures of the land of Israel.
I myself will be the shepherd of my sheep, and I will find them a place to rest. I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken.
"I will look for those that are lost, bring back those that wander off, bandage those that are hurt, and heal those that are sick; but those that are fat and strong I will destroy, because I am a shepherd who does what is right.
"Now then, my flock, I, the Sovereign LORD, tell you that I will judge each of you and separate the good from the bad, the sheep from the goats.
Some of you are not satisfied with eating the best grass; you even trample down what you don't eat! You drink the clear water and muddy what you don't drink!
My other sheep have to eat the grass you trample down and drink the water you muddy.
"So now, I, the Sovereign LORD, tell you that I will judge between you strong sheep and the weak sheep.
You pushed the sick ones aside and butted them away from the flock.
But I will rescue my sheep and not let them be mistreated any more. I will judge each of my sheep and separate the good from the bad.
I will give them a king like my servant David to be their one shepherd, and he will take care of them.
I, the LORD, will be their God, and a king like my servant David will be their ruler. I have spoken.
I will make a covenant with them that guarantees their security. I will get rid of all the dangerous animals in the land, so that my sheep can live safely in the fields and sleep in the forests.
"I will bless them and let them live around my sacred hill. There I will bless them with showers of rain when they need it.
The trees will bear fruit, the fields will produce crops, and everyone will live in safety on his own land. When I break my people's chains and set them free from those who made them slaves, then they will know that I am the LORD.
The heathen nations will not plunder them any more, and the wild animals will not kill and eat them. They will live in safety, and no one will terrify them.
I will give them fertile fields and put an end to hunger in the land. The other nations will not sneer at them any more.
Everyone will know that I protect Israel and that they are my people. I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken.
"You, my sheep, the flock that I feed, are my people, and I am your God," says the Sovereign LORD.
Numbers 16:30
But if the LORD does something unheard of, and the earth opens up and swallows them with all they own, so that they go down alive to the world of the dead, you will know that these men have rejected the LORD."
Numbers 16:33
So they went down alive to the world of the dead, with their possessions. The earth closed over them, and they vanished.
Psalm 28:1
O LORD, my defender, I call to you. Listen to my cry! If you do not answer me, I will be among those who go down to the world of the dead.
Isaiah 14:11-19
You used to be honored with the music of harps, but now here you are in the world of the dead. You lie on a bed of maggots and are covered with a blanket of worms.' "
King of Babylon, bright morning star, you have fallen from heaven! In the past you conquered nations, but now you have been thrown to the ground.
You were determined to climb up to heaven and to place your throne above the highest stars. You thought you would sit like a king on that mountain in the north where the gods assemble.
You said you would climb to the tops of the clouds and be like the Almighty.
But instead, you have been brought down to the deepest part of the world of the dead.
The dead will stare and gape at you. They will ask, "Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble?
Is this the man who destroyed cities and turned the world into a desert? Is this the man who never freed his prisoners or let them go home?"
All the kings of the earth lie in their magnificent tombs,
but you have no tomb, and your corpse is thrown out to rot. It is covered by the bodies of soldiers killed in battle, thrown with them into a rocky pit, and trampled down.
Luke 10:15
And as for you, Capernaum! Did you want to lift yourself up to heaven? You will be thrown down to hell!"
in places
Job 30:3-6
They were so poor and hungry that they would gnaw dry roots--- at night, in wild, desolate places.
They pulled up the plants of the desert and ate them, even the tasteless roots of the broom tree!
Everyone drove them away with shouts, as if they were shouting at thieves.
They had to live in caves, in holes dug in the sides of cliffs.
Psalm 88:3-6
So many troubles have fallen on me that I am close to death.
I am like all others who are about to die; all my strength is gone.
I am abandoned among the dead; I am like the slain lying in their graves, those you have forgotten completely, who are beyond your help.
You have thrown me into the depths of the tomb, into the darkest and deepest pit.
Isaiah 59:10
and we grope about like blind people. We stumble at noon, as if it were night, as if we were in the dark world of the dead.
Lamentations 3:6
He has forced me to live in the stagnant darkness of death.
and I shall set
Ezekiel 28:25
The Sovereign LORD said, "I will bring back the people of Israel from the nations where I scattered them, and all the nations will know that I am holy. The people of Israel will live in their own land, the land that I gave to my servant Jacob.
Ezekiel 28:26
They will live there in safety. They will build houses and plant vineyards. I will punish all their neighbors who treated them with scorn, and Israel will be secure. Then they will know that I am the LORD their God."
Ezekiel 39:7
I will make sure that my people Israel know my holy name, and I will not let my name be disgraced any more. Then the nations will know that I, the LORD, am the holy God of Israel."
Ezekiel 39:25-29
The Sovereign LORD said, "But now I will be merciful to Jacob's descendants, the people of Israel, and make them prosperous again. I will protect my holy name.
When they are once more living in safety in their own land, with no one to threaten them, they will be able to forget how they were disgraced for having betrayed me.
In order to show to the many nations that I am holy, I will bring my people back from all the countries where their enemies live.
Then my people will know that I am the LORD their God. They will know this, because I sent them into captivity and now gather them and bring them back into their own land, not leaving even one of them behind.
I will pour out my spirit on the people of Israel and never again turn away from them. I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken."
Isaiah 4:5
Then over Mount Zion and over all who are gathered there, the LORD will send a cloud in the daytime and smoke and a bright flame at night. God's glory will cover and protect the whole city.
Zechariah 2:8
Anyone who strikes you strikes what is most precious to me." So the LORD Almighty sent me with this message for the nations that had plundered his people:
in the land
Ezekiel 32:23
and their graves are in the deepest parts of the world of the dead. All her soldiers fell in battle, and their graves surround her tomb. Yet once they terrified the land of the living.
Ezekiel 32:26
"Meshech and Tubal are there, with the graves of their soldiers all around. They are all uncircumcised, all killed in battle. Yet once they terrified the living.
Ezekiel 32:27
They were not given honorable burial like the heroes of ancient times, who went fully armed to the world of the dead, their swords placed under their heads and their shields over their bodies. These heroes were once powerful enough to terrify the living.
Ezekiel 32:32
"I caused the king of Egypt to terrorize the living, but he and all his army will be killed and laid to rest with all the uncircumcised who die in battle." The Sovereign LORD has spoken.
Psalm 27:13
I know that I will live to see the LORD's goodness in this present life.