Bible Cross References
Ezekiel 16:63
I will forgive all the wrongs you have done, but you will remember them and be too ashamed to open your mouth." The Sovereign LORD has spoken.
Ezekiel 20:43
Then you will remember all the disgraceful things you did and how you defiled yourselves. You will be disgusted with yourselves because of all the evil things you did.
Ezekiel 36:31
You will remember your evil conduct and the wrongs that you committed, and you will be disgusted with yourselves because of your sins and your iniquities.
Ezekiel 36:32
Israel, I want you to know that I am not doing all this for your sake. I want you to feel the shame and disgrace of what you are doing. I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken."
Job 42:5
In the past I knew only what others had told me, but now I have seen you with my own eyes.
Job 42:6
So I am ashamed of all I have said and repent in dust and ashes.
Psalm 119:59
I have considered my conduct, and I promise to follow your instructions.
Jeremiah 31:18-20
"I hear the people of Israel say in grief, ' LORD, we were like an untamed animal, but you taught us to obey. Bring us back; we are ready to return to you, the LORD our God.
We turned away from you, but soon we wanted to return. After you had punished us, we hung our heads in grief. We were ashamed and disgraced because we sinned when we were young.'
"Israel, you are my dearest child, the one I love best. Whenever I mention your name, I think of you with love. My heart goes out to you; I will be merciful.
Jeremiah 50:4
The LORD says, "When that time comes, the people of both Israel and Judah will come weeping, looking for me, their God.
Jeremiah 50:5
They will ask the way to Zion and then go in that direction. They will make an eternal covenant with me and never break it.
Ezekiel 16:53-55
The LORD said to Jerusalem, "I will make them prosperous again---Sodom and her villages and Samaria and her villages. Yes, I will make you prosperous too.
You will be ashamed of yourself, and your disgrace will show your sisters how well-off they are.
They will become prosperous again, and you and your villages will also be restored.
Song of Songs 8:8
We have a young sister, and her breasts are still small. What will we do for her when a young man comes courting?
Song of Songs 8:9
If she is a wall, we will build her a silver tower. But if she is a gate, we will protect her with panels of cedar.
Isaiah 2:2-5
In days to come the mountain where the Temple stands will be the highest one of all, towering above all the hills. Many nations will come streaming to it,
and their people will say, "Let us go up the hill of the LORD, to the Temple of Israel's God. He will teach us what he wants us to do; we will walk in the paths he has chosen. For the LORD's teaching comes from Jerusalem; from Zion he speaks to his people."
He will settle disputes among great nations. They will hammer their swords into plows and their spears into pruning knives. Nations will never again go to war, never prepare for battle again.
Now, descendants of Jacob, let us walk in the light which the LORD gives us!
Isaiah 11:9
On Zion, God's sacred hill, there will be nothing harmful or evil. The land will be as full of knowledge of the LORD as the seas are full of water.
Isaiah 11:10
A day is coming when the new king from the royal line of David will be a symbol to the nations. They will gather in his royal city and give him honor.
Hosea 1:9-11
The LORD said to Hosea, "Name him 'Not-My-People,' because the people of Israel are not my people, and I am not their God."
The people of Israel will become like the sand of the sea, more than can be counted or measured. Now God says to them, "You are not my people," but the day is coming when he will say to them, "You are the children of the living God!"
The people of Judah and the people of Israel will be reunited. They will choose for themselves a single leader, and once again they will grow and prosper in their land. Yes, the day of Jezreel will be a great day!
Romans 11:11
I ask, then: When the Jews stumbled, did they fall to their ruin? By no means! Because they sinned, salvation has come to the Gentiles, to make the Jews jealous of them.
Romans 15:8
For I tell you that Christ's life of service was on behalf of the Jews, to show that God is faithful, to make his promises to their ancestors come true,
Romans 15:9
and to enable even the Gentiles to praise God for his mercy. As the scripture says, "And so I will praise you among the Gentiles; I will sing praises to you."
Romans 15:16
of being a servant of Christ Jesus to work for the Gentiles. I serve like a priest in preaching the Good News from God, in order that the Gentiles may be an offering acceptable to God, dedicated to him by the Holy Spirit.
Galatians 4:26
But the heavenly Jerusalem is free, and she is our mother.
Galatians 4:27
For the scripture says, "Be happy, you childless woman! Shout and cry with joy, you who never felt the pains of childbirth! For the woman who was deserted will have more children than the woman whose husband never left her."
Ephesians 2:12-14
At that time you were apart from Christ. You were foreigners and did not belong to God's chosen people. You had no part in the covenants, which were based on God's promises to his people, and you lived in this world without hope and without God.
But now, in union with Christ Jesus you, who used to be far away, have been brought near by the blood of Christ.
For Christ himself has brought us peace by making Jews and Gentiles one people. With his own body he broke down the wall that separated them and kept them enemies.
Ephesians 3:6
The secret is that by means of the gospel the Gentiles have a part with the Jews in God's blessings; they are members of the same body and share in the promise that God made through Christ Jesus.
I will
Isaiah 49:18-23
Look around and see what is happening! Your people are assembling---they are coming home! As surely as I am the living God, you will be proud of your people, as proud as a bride is of her jewels.
"Your country was ruined and desolate--- but now it will be too small for those who are coming to live there. And those who left you in ruins will be far removed from you.
Your people who were born in exile will one day say to you, 'This land is too small--- we need more room to live in!'
Then you will say to yourself, 'Who bore all these children for me? I lost my children and could have no more. I was exiled and driven away--- who brought these children up? I was left all alone--- where did these children come from?' "
The Sovereign LORD says to his people: "I will signal to the nations, and they will bring your children home.
Kings will be like fathers to you; queens will be like mothers. They will bow low before you and honor you; they will humbly show their respect for you. Then you will know that I am the LORD; no one who waits for my help will be disappointed."
Isaiah 54:1
Jerusalem, you have been like a childless woman, but now you can sing and shout for joy. Now you will have more children than a woman whose husband never left her.
Isaiah 54:2
Make the tent you live in larger; lengthen its ropes and strengthen the pegs!
Isaiah 60:4
Look around you and see what is happening: Your people are gathering to come home! Your sons will come from far away; Your daughters will be carried like children.
Isaiah 66:7-12
"My holy city is like a woman who suddenly gives birth to a child without ever going into labor.
Has anyone ever seen or heard of such a thing? Has a nation ever been born in a day? Zion will not have to suffer long, before the nation is born.
Do not think that I will bring my people to the point of birth and not let them be born." The LORD has spoken.
Rejoice with Jerusalem; be glad for her, all you that love this city! Rejoice with her now, all you that have mourned for her!
You will enjoy her prosperity, like a child at its mother's breast.
The LORD says, "I will bring you lasting prosperity; the wealth of the nations will flow to you like a river that never goes dry. You will be like a child that is nursed by its mother, carried in her arms, and treated with love.
Galatians 4:26-31
But the heavenly Jerusalem is free, and she is our mother.
For the scripture says, "Be happy, you childless woman! Shout and cry with joy, you who never felt the pains of childbirth! For the woman who was deserted will have more children than the woman whose husband never left her."
Now, you, my friends, are God's children as a result of his promise, just as Isaac was.
At that time the son who was born in the usual way persecuted the one who was born because of God's Spirit; and it is the same now.
But what does the scripture say? It says, "Send the slave woman and her son away; for the son of the slave woman will not have a part of the father's property along with the son of the free woman."
So then, my friends, we are not the children of a slave woman but of a free woman.
but not
Jeremiah 31:31-40
The LORD says, "The time is coming when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.
It will not be like the old covenant that I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand and led them out of Egypt. Although I was like a husband to them, they did not keep that covenant.
The new covenant that I will make with the people of Israel will be this: I will put my law within them and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.
None of them will have to teach a neighbor to know the LORD, because all will know me, from the least to the greatest. I will forgive their sins and I will no longer remember their wrongs. I, the LORD, have spoken."
The LORD provides the sun for light by day, the moon and the stars to shine at night. He stirs up the sea and makes it roar; his name is the LORD Almighty.
He promises that as long as the natural order lasts, so long will Israel be a nation.
If one day the sky could be measured and the foundations of the earth explored, only then would he reject the people of Israel because of all they have done. The LORD has spoken.
"The time is coming," says the LORD, "when all of Jerusalem will be rebuilt as my city, from Hananel Tower west to the Corner Gate.
And the boundary line will continue from there on the west to the hill of Gareb and then around to Goah.
The entire valley, where the dead are buried and garbage is dumped, and all the fields above Kidron Brook as far as the Horse Gate to the east, will be sacred to me. The city will never again be torn down or destroyed."
John 15:16
You did not choose me; I chose you and appointed you to go and bear much fruit, the kind of fruit that endures. And so the Father will give you whatever you ask of him in my name.
Hebrews 8:13
By speaking of a new covenant, God has made the first one old; and anything that becomes old and worn out will soon disappear.
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