Bible Cross References
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Ezekiel 33:13
I may promise life to someone good, but if he starts thinking that his past goodness is enough and begins to sin, I will not remember any of the good he did. He will die because of his sins.
Deuteronomy 32:15
"The LORD's people grew rich, but rebellious; they were fat and stuffed with food. They abandoned God their Creator and rejected their mighty savior.
Isaiah 48:1
Listen to this, people of Israel, you that are descended from Judah: You swear by the name of the LORD and claim to worship the God of Israel--- but you don't mean a word you say.
Jeremiah 7:4
Stop believing those deceitful words, 'We are safe! This is the LORD's Temple, this is the LORD's Temple, this is the LORD's Temple!'
Micah 3:11
The city's rulers govern for bribes, the priests interpret the Law for pay, the prophets give their revelations for money---and they all claim that the LORD is with them. "No harm will come to us," they say. "The LORD is with us."
Zephaniah 3:11
At that time you, my people, will no longer need to be ashamed that you rebelled against me. I will remove everyone who is proud and arrogant, and you will never again rebel against me on my sacred hill.
Matthew 3:9
And don't think you can escape punishment by saying that Abraham is your ancestor. I tell you that God can take these rocks and make descendants for Abraham!
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Ezekiel 20:8
But they defied me and refused to listen. They did not throw away their disgusting idols or give up the Egyptian gods. I was ready to let them feel the full force of my anger there in Egypt.
Ezekiel 23:3
When they were young, living in Egypt, they lost their virginity and became prostitutes.
Ezekiel 23:8
She continued what she had begun as a prostitute in Egypt, where she lost her virginity. From the time she was a young woman, men slept with her and treated her like a prostitute.
Ezekiel 23:11
"Even though her sister Oholibah saw this, she was wilder and more of a prostitute than Oholah had ever been.
Ezekiel 23:12-21
She too was full of lust for the Assyrian noblemen and officers---soldiers in bright uniforms---and for the cavalry officers, all of those handsome young men.
I saw that she was completely immoral, that the second sister was as bad as the first.
"She sank deeper and deeper in her immorality. She was attracted by the images of high Babylonian officials carved into the wall and painted bright red, with sashes around their waists and fancy turbans on their heads.
(SEE 23:14)
As soon as she saw them, she was filled with lust and sent messengers to them in Babylonia.
The Babylonians came to have sex with her. They used her and defiled her so much that finally she became disgusted with them.
She exposed herself publicly and let everyone know she was a whore. I was as disgusted with her as I had been with her sister.
She became more of a prostitute than ever, acting the way she did as a young woman, when she was a prostitute in Egypt.
She was filled with lust for oversexed men who had all the lustfulness of donkeys or stallions."
(Oholibah, you wanted to repeat the immorality you were guilty of as a young woman in Egypt, where men played with your breasts and you lost your virginity.)
Exodus 32:6-35
Early the next morning they brought some animals to burn as sacrifices and others to eat as fellowship offerings. The people sat down to a feast, which turned into an orgy of drinking and sex.
The LORD said to Moses, "Hurry and go back down, because your people, whom you led out of Egypt, have sinned and rejected me.
They have already left the way that I commanded them to follow; they have made a bull-calf out of melted gold and have worshiped it and offered sacrifices to it. They are saying that this is their god, who led them out of Egypt.
I know how stubborn these people are.
Now, don't try to stop me. I am angry with them, and I am going to destroy them. Then I will make you and your descendants into a great nation."
But Moses pleaded with the LORD his God and said, " LORD, why should you be so angry with your people, whom you rescued from Egypt with great might and power?
Why should the Egyptians be able to say that you led your people out of Egypt, planning to kill them in the mountains and destroy them completely? Stop being angry; change your mind and do not bring this disaster on your people.
Remember your servants Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Remember the solemn promise you made to them to give them as many descendants as there are stars in the sky and to give their descendants all that land you promised would be their possession forever."
So the LORD changed his mind and did not bring on his people the disaster he had threatened.
Moses went back down the mountain, carrying the two stone tablets with the commandments written on both sides.
God himself had made the tablets and had engraved the commandments on them.
Joshua heard the people shouting and said to Moses, "I hear the sound of battle in the camp."
Moses said, "That doesn't sound like a shout of victory or a cry of defeat; it's the sound of singing."
When Moses came close enough to the camp to see the bull-calf and to see the people dancing, he became furious. There at the foot of the mountain, he threw down the tablets he was carrying and broke them.
He took the bull-calf which they had made, melted it, ground it into fine powder, and mixed it with water. Then he made the people of Israel drink it.
He said to Aaron, "What did these people do to you, that you have made them commit such a terrible sin?"
Aaron answered, "Don't be angry with me; you know how determined these people are to do evil.
They said to me, 'We don't know what has happened to this man Moses, who brought us out of Egypt; so make us a god to lead us.'
I asked them to bring me their gold ornaments, and those who had any took them off and gave them to me. I threw the ornaments into the fire and out came this bull-calf!"
Moses saw that Aaron had let the people get out of control and make fools of themselves in front of their enemies.
So he stood at the gate of the camp and shouted, "Everyone who is on the LORD's side come over here!" So all the Levites gathered around him,
and he said to them, "The LORD God of Israel commands every one of you to put on your sword and go through the camp from this gate to the other and kill your brothers, your friends, and your neighbors."
The Levites obeyed, and killed about three thousand men that day.
Moses said to the Levites, "Today you have consecrated yourselves as priests in the service of the LORD by killing your sons and brothers, so the LORD has given you his blessing."
The next day Moses said to the people, "You have committed a terrible sin. But now I will again go up the mountain to the LORD; perhaps I can obtain forgiveness for your sin."
Moses then returned to the LORD and said, "These people have committed a terrible sin. They have made a god out of gold and worshiped it.
Please forgive their sin; but if you won't, then remove my name from the book in which you have written the names of your people."
The LORD answered, "It is those who have sinned against me whose names I will remove from my book.
Now go, lead the people to the place I told you about. Remember that my angel will guide you, but the time is coming when I will punish these people for their sin."
So the LORD sent a disease on the people, because they had caused Aaron to make the gold bull-calf.
Numbers 25:1
When the Israelites were camped at Acacia Valley, the men began to have sexual intercourse with the Moabite women who were there.
Numbers 25:2
These women invited them to sacrificial feasts, where the god of Moab was worshiped. The Israelites ate the food and worshiped the god
Judges 2:12
They stopped worshiping the LORD, the God of their ancestors, the God who had brought them out of Egypt, and they began to worship other gods, the gods of the peoples around them. They bowed down to them and made the LORD angry.
Judges 3:6
They intermarried with them and worshiped their gods.
Judges 10:6
Once again the Israelites sinned against the LORD by worshiping the Baals and the Astartes, as well as the gods of Syria, of Sidon, of Moab, of Ammon, and of Philistia. They abandoned the LORD and stopped worshiping him.
1 Kings 11:5
He worshiped Astarte, the goddess of Sidon, and Molech, the disgusting god of Ammon.
1 Kings 12:28
After thinking it over, he made two bull-calves of gold and said to his people, "You have been going long enough to Jerusalem to worship. People of Israel, here are your gods who brought you out of Egypt!"
2 Kings 17:7
Samaria fell because the Israelites sinned against the LORD their God, who had rescued them from the king of Egypt and had led them out of Egypt. They worshiped other gods,
2 Kings 21:3
He rebuilt the pagan places of worship that his father Hezekiah had destroyed; he built altars for the worship of Baal and made an image of the goddess Asherah, as King Ahab of Israel had done. Manasseh also worshiped the stars.
Psalm 106:35
but they intermarried with them and adopted their pagan ways.
Isaiah 1:21
The city that once was faithful is behaving like a whore! At one time it was filled with righteous people, but now only murderers remain.
Isaiah 57:8
You set up your obscene idols just inside your front doors. You forsake me; you take off your clothes and climb in your large beds with your lovers, whom you pay to sleep with you. And there you satisfy your lust.
Jeremiah 2:20
The Sovereign LORD says, "Israel, long ago you rejected my authority; you refused to obey me and worship me. On every high hill and under every green tree you worshiped fertility gods.
Jeremiah 3:1
The LORD says, "If a man divorces his wife, and she leaves him and becomes another man's wife, he cannot take her back again. This would completely defile the land. But, Israel, you have had many lovers, and now you want to return to me!
Jeremiah 7:4
Stop believing those deceitful words, 'We are safe! This is the LORD's Temple, this is the LORD's Temple, this is the LORD's Temple!'
Hosea 1:2
When the LORD first spoke to Israel through Hosea, he said to Hosea, "Go and get married; your wife will be unfaithful, and your children will be just like her. In the same way my people have left me and become unfaithful."
Hosea 4:10
You will eat your share of the sacrifices, but still be hungry. You will worship the fertility gods, but still have no children, because you have turned away from me to follow other gods."
Revelation 17:5
On her forehead was written a name that has a secret meaning: "Great Babylon, the mother of all prostitutes and perverts in the world."
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Ezekiel 16:25
You dragged your beauty through the mud. You offered yourself to everyone who came by, and you were more of a prostitute every day.
Ezekiel 16:36
This is what the Sovereign LORD says: "You stripped off your clothes, and like a prostitute, you gave yourself to your lovers and to all your disgusting idols, and you killed your children as sacrifices to idols.
Ezekiel 16:37
Because of this I will bring all your former lovers together---the ones you liked and the ones you hated. I will bring them around you in a circle, and then I will strip off your clothes and let them see you naked.
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