Bible Cross References
Isaiah 50:2
"Why did my people fail to respond when I went to them to save them? Why did they not answer when I called? Am I too weak to save them? I can dry up the sea with a command and turn rivers into a desert, so that the fish in them die for lack of water.
Isaiah 51:9
Wake up, LORD, and help us! Use your power and save us; use it as you did in ancient times. It was you that cut the sea monster Rahab to pieces.
Isaiah 51:10
It was you also who dried up the sea and made a path through the water, so that those you were saving could cross.
Zechariah 10:11
When they pass through their sea of trouble, I, the LORD, will strike the waves, and the depths of the Nile will go dry. Proud Assyria will be humbled, and mighty Egypt will lose her power.
with his mighty
Exodus 14:21
Moses held out his hand over the sea, and the LORD drove the sea back with a strong east wind. It blew all night and turned the sea into dry land. The water was divided,
he shake
Isaiah 19:16
A time is coming when the people of Egypt will be as timid as women. They will tremble in terror when they see that the LORD Almighty has stretched out his hand to punish them.
shall smite
Isaiah 19:5-10
The water will be low in the Nile, and the river will gradually dry up.
The channels of the river will stink as they slowly go dry. Reeds and rushes will wither,
and all the crops planted along the banks of the Nile will dry up and be blown away.
Everyone who earns a living by fishing in the Nile will groan and cry; their hooks and their nets will be useless.
Those who make linen cloth will be in despair;
weavers and skilled workers will be broken and depressed.
Exodus 7:19-21
The LORD said to Moses, "Tell Aaron to take his stick and hold it out over all the rivers, canals, and pools in Egypt. The water will become blood, and all over the land there will be blood, even in the wooden tubs and stone jars."
Then Moses and Aaron did as the LORD commanded. In the presence of the king and his officers, Aaron raised his stick and struck the surface of the river, and all the water in it was turned into blood.
The fish in the river died, and it smelled so bad that the Egyptians could not drink from it. There was blood everywhere in Egypt.
Psalm 74:13-15
With your mighty strength you divided the sea and smashed the heads of the sea monsters;
you crushed the heads of the monster Leviathan and fed his body to desert animals.
You made springs and fountains flow; you dried up large rivers.
Ezekiel 29:10
I am your enemy and the enemy of your Nile. I will make all of Egypt an empty wasteland, from the city of Migdol in the north to the city of Aswan in the south, all the way to the Ethiopian border.
Ezekiel 30:12
I will dry up the Nile and put Egypt under the power of evil people. Foreigners will devastate the whole country. I, the LORD, have spoken."
Revelation 16:12
Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great Euphrates River. The river dried up, to provide a way for the kings who come from the east.
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