Bible Cross References
the people repent
Exodus 14:11
They said to Moses, "Weren't there any graves in Egypt? Did you have to bring us out here in the desert to die? Look what you have done by bringing us out of Egypt!
Exodus 14:12
Didn't we tell you before we left that this would happen? We told you to leave us alone and let us go on being slaves of the Egyptians. It would be better to be slaves there than to die here in the desert."
Numbers 14:1-4
All night long the people cried out in distress.
They complained against Moses and Aaron, and said, "It would have been better to die in Egypt or even here in the wilderness!
Why is the LORD taking us into that land? We will be killed in battle, and our wives and children will be captured. Wouldn't it be better to go back to Egypt?"
So they said to one another, "Let's choose a leader and go back to Egypt!"
Deuteronomy 20:8
"The officers will also say to the men, 'Is there any man here who has lost his nerve and is afraid? If so, he is to go home. Otherwise, he will destroy the morale of the others.'
Judges 7:3
Announce to the people, 'Anyone who is afraid should go back home, and we will stay here at Mount Gilead.' " So twenty-two thousand went back, but ten thousand stayed.
1 Kings 8:47
listen to your people's prayers. If there in that land they repent and pray to you, confessing how sinful and wicked they have been, hear their prayers, O LORD.
Luke 14:27-32
Those who do not carry their own cross and come after me cannot be my disciples.
If one of you is planning to build a tower, you sit down first and figure out what it will cost, to see if you have enough money to finish the job.
If you don't, you will not be able to finish the tower after laying the foundation; and all who see what happened will make fun of you.
'You began to build but can't finish the job!' they will say.
If a king goes out with ten thousand men to fight another king who comes against him with twenty thousand men, he will sit down first and decide if he is strong enough to face that other king.
If he isn't, he will send messengers to meet the other king to ask for terms of peace while he is still a long way off.
Acts 15:38
but Paul did not think it was right to take him, because he had not stayed with them to the end of their mission, but had turned back and left them in Pamphylia.
Exodus 16:2
There in the desert they all complained to Moses and Aaron
Exodus 16:3
and said to them, "We wish that the LORD had killed us in Egypt. There we could at least sit down and eat meat and as much other food as we wanted. But you have brought us out into this desert to starve us all to death."
Deuteronomy 17:16
The king is not to have a large number of horses for his army, and he is not to send people to Egypt to buy horses, because the LORD has said that his people are never to return there.
Nehemiah 9:17
They refused to obey; they forgot all you did; they forgot the miracles you had performed. In their pride they chose a leader to take them back to slavery in Egypt. But you are a God who forgives; you are gracious and loving, slow to be angry. Your mercy is great; you did not forsake them.
Acts 7:39
"But our ancestors refused to obey him; they pushed him aside and wished that they could go back to Egypt.
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