Bible Cross References
young men
Psalm 8:2
it is sung by children and babies. You are safe and secure from all your enemies; you stop anyone who opposes you.
Psalm 68:25
The singers are in front, the musicians are behind, in between are the young women beating the tambourines.
Jeremiah 31:13
Then the young women will dance and be happy, and men, young and old, will rejoice. I will comfort them and turn their mourning into joy, their sorrow into gladness.
Zechariah 9:17
How good and beautiful the land will be! The young people will grow strong on its grain and wine.
Matthew 21:15
The chief priests and the teachers of the Law became angry when they saw the wonderful things he was doing and the children shouting in the Temple, "Praise to David's Son!"
Matthew 21:16
So they asked Jesus, "Do you hear what they are saying?" "Indeed I do," answered Jesus. "Haven't you ever read this scripture? 'You have trained children and babies to offer perfect praise.' "
Luke 19:37
When he came near Jerusalem, at the place where the road went down the Mount of Olives, the large crowd of his disciples began to thank God and praise him in loud voices for all the great things that they had seen:
Titus 2:4-6
in order to train the younger women to love their husbands and children,
to be self-controlled and pure, and to be good housewives who submit themselves to their husbands, so that no one will speak evil of the message that comes from God.
In the same way urge the young men to be self-controlled.
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