Bible Cross References
And he
Exodus 14:30
On that day the LORD saved the people of Israel from the Egyptians, and the Israelites saw them lying dead on the seashore.
Exodus 15:9
The enemy said, 'I will pursue them and catch them; I will divide their wealth and take all I want; I will draw my sword and take all they have.'
Exodus 15:10
But one breath from you, LORD, and the Egyptians were drowned; they sank like lead in the terrible water.
Deuteronomy 11:4
You saw how the LORD completely wiped out the Egyptian army, along with their horses and chariots, by drowning them in the Red Sea when they were pursuing you.
Nehemiah 9:11
Through the sea you made a path for your people and led them through on dry ground. Those who pursued them drowned in deep water, as a stone sinks in the raging sea.
Psalm 107:2
Repeat these words in praise to the LORD, all you whom he has saved. He has rescued you from your enemies
Psalm 136:24
he freed us from our enemies; his love is eternal.
Exodus 15:13
Faithful to your promise, you led the people you had rescued; by your strength you guided them to your sacred land.
Job 6:22
Have I asked you to give me a gift or to bribe someone on my behalf
Job 6:23
or to save me from some enemy or tyrant?
Micah 6:4
I brought you out of Egypt; I rescued you from slavery; I sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to lead you.
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