Bible Cross References
Psalm 44:20
If we had stopped worshiping our God and prayed to a foreign god,
Psalm 44:21
you would surely have discovered it, because you know our secret thoughts.
Jeremiah 29:23
This will be their fate because they are guilty of terrible sins---they have committed adultery and have told lies in the LORD's name. This was against the LORD's will; he knows what they have done, and he is a witness against them. The LORD has spoken."
Malachi 3:5
The LORD Almighty says, "I will appear among you to judge, and I will testify at once against those who practice magic, against adulterers, against those who give false testimony, those who cheat employees out of their wages, and those who take advantage of widows, orphans, and foreigners---against all who do not respect me.
Luke 12:2
Whatever is covered up will be uncovered, and every secret will be made known.
Luke 12:3
So then, whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in broad daylight, and whatever you have whispered in private in a closed room will be shouted from the housetops.
Romans 2:16
And so, according to the Good News I preach, this is how it will be on that Day when God through Jesus Christ will judge the secret thoughts of all.
1 Corinthians 4:5
So you should not pass judgment on anyone before the right time comes. Final judgment must wait until the Lord comes; he will bring to light the dark secrets and expose the hidden purposes of people's minds. And then all will receive from God the praise they deserve.
Job 16:18
O Earth, don't hide the wrongs done to me! Don't let my call for justice be silenced!
Job 18:18
They will be driven out of the land of the living, driven from light into darkness.
Isaiah 26:21
The LORD is coming from his heavenly dwelling place to punish the people of the earth for their sins. The murders that were secretly committed on the earth will be revealed, and the ground will no longer hide those who have been killed.
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