Bible Cross References
the pattern
1 Chronicles 28:19
King David said, "All this is contained in the plan written according to the instructions which the LORD himself gave me to carry out."
Exodus 25:40
Take care to make them according to the plan that I showed you on the mountain.
Exodus 26:30
Set up the Tent according to the plan that I showed you on the mountain.
Exodus 39:42
The Israelites had done all the work just as the LORD had commanded Moses.
Exodus 39:43
Moses examined everything and saw that they had made it all just as the LORD had commanded. So Moses blessed them.
2 Chronicles 3:3
The Temple which King Solomon built was 90 feet long and 30 feet wide.
Ezekiel 43:10
And the LORD continued, "Mortal man, tell the people of Israel about the Temple, and let them study its plan. Make them ashamed of their sinful actions.
Ezekiel 43:11
Then if they are ashamed of what they have done, explain the plan of the Temple to them: its design, its entrances and exits, its shape, the arrangement of everything, and all its rules and regulations. Write all this down for them so that they can see how everything is arranged and can carry out all the rules.
Hebrews 8:5
The work they do as priests is really only a copy and a shadow of what is in heaven. It is the same as it was with Moses. When he was about to build the Sacred Tent, God told him, "Be sure to make everything according to the pattern you were shown on the mountain."
the porch
1 Kings 6:3
The entrance room was 15 feet deep and 30 feet wide, as wide as the sanctuary itself.
2 Chronicles 3:4
The entrance room was the full width of the Temple, 30 feet, and was 180 feet high. The inside of the room was overlaid with pure gold.
Ezekiel 40:8
He measured this room and found it was 14 feet deep. It formed that end of the gateway which was nearest the Temple, and at its far end the walls were 4 feet thick.
Ezekiel 40:9
Ezekiel 40:15
The total length of the gateway from the outside wall of the gate to the far side of the last room was 84 feet.
Ezekiel 40:48
Then he took me into the entrance room of the Temple. He measured the entranceway: it was 9 feet deep and 24 feet wide, with walls 5 feet thick on either side.
Ezekiel 40:49
Steps led up to the entrance room, which was 34 feet wide and 20 feet deep. There were two columns, one on each side of the entrance.
the houses
1 Kings 6:16-20
An inner room, called the Most Holy Place, was built in the rear of the Temple. It was 30 feet long and was partitioned off by cedar boards reaching from the floor to the ceiling.
The room in front of the Most Holy Place was 60 feet long.
The cedar panels were decorated with carvings of gourds and flowers; the whole interior was covered with cedar, so that the stones of the walls could not be seen.
In the rear of the Temple an inner room was built, where the LORD's Covenant Box was to be placed.
This inner room was 30 feet long, 30 feet wide, and 30 feet high, all covered with pure gold. The altar was covered with cedar panels.
2 Chronicles 3:5-10
The main room was paneled with cedar and overlaid with fine gold, in which were worked designs of palm trees and chain patterns.
The king decorated the Temple with beautiful precious stones and with gold imported from the land of Parvaim.
He used the gold to overlay the Temple walls, the rafters, the entryways, and the doors. On the walls the workers carved designs of winged creatures.
The inner room, called the Most Holy Place, was 30 feet long and 30 feet wide, which was the full width of the Temple. Twenty-five tons of gold were used to cover the walls of the Most Holy Place;
twenty ounces of gold were used for making nails, and the walls of the upper rooms were also covered with gold.
The king also had his workers make two winged creatures out of metal, cover them with gold, and place them in the Most Holy Place,
Ezekiel 41:13-17
The man measured the outside of the Temple, and it was 168 feet long. And from the back of the Temple, across the open space to the far side of the building to the west, the distance was also 168 feet.
The distance across the front of the Temple, including the open space on either side, was also 168 feet.
He measured the length of the building to the west, including its galleries on both sides, and it was also 168 feet. The entrance room of the Temple, the Holy Place, and the Most Holy Place
were all paneled with wood from the floor to the windows. These windows could be covered.
The inside walls of the Temple, up as high as above the doors, were completely covered with carvings
Hebrews 9:2-8
A tent was put up, the outer one, which was called the Holy Place. In it were the lampstand and the table with the bread offered to God.
Behind the second curtain was the tent called the Most Holy Place.
In it were the gold altar for the burning of incense and the Covenant Box all covered with gold and containing the gold jar with the manna in it, Aaron's stick that had sprouted leaves, and the two stone tablets with the commandments written on them.
Above the Box were the winged creatures representing God's presence, with their wings spread over the place where sins were forgiven. But now is not the time to explain everything in detail.
This is how those things have been arranged. The priests go into the outer tent every day to perform their duties,
but only the high priest goes into the inner tent, and he does so only once a year. He takes with him blood which he offers to God on behalf of himself and for the sins which the people have committed without knowing they were sinning.
The Holy Spirit clearly teaches from all these arrangements that the way into the Most Holy Place has not yet been opened as long as the outer tent still stands.
the treasuries
1 Chronicles 9:26-29
The four chief guards were Levites and had the final responsibility. They were also responsible for the rooms in the Temple and for the supplies kept there.
They lived near the Temple, because it was their duty to guard it and to open the gates every morning.
Other Levites were responsible for the utensils used in worship. They checked them out and checked them back in every time they were used.
Others were in charge of the other sacred equipment, and of the flour, wine, olive oil, incense, and spices.
1 Chronicles 26:20-27
Others of their fellow Levites were in charge of the Temple treasury and the storerooms for gifts dedicated to God.
Ladan, one of the sons of Gershon, was the ancestor of several family groups, including the family of his son Jehiel.
Ladan's two other sons, Zetham and Joel, had charge of the Temple treasury and storerooms.
Duties were also assigned to the descendants of Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uzziel.
Shebuel, of the clan of Moses' son Gershom, was the chief official responsible for the Temple treasury.
Through Gershom's brother Eliezer he was related to Shelomith. Eliezer was the father of Rehabiah, who was the father of Jeshaiah, the father of Joram, the father of Zichri, the father of Shelomith.
Shelomith and the members of his family were in charge of all the gifts dedicated to God by King David, the heads of families, leaders of clan groups, and army officers.
They took some of the loot they captured in battle and dedicated it for use in the Temple.
Luke 21:1
Jesus looked around and saw rich people dropping their gifts in the Temple treasury,
upper chambers
1 Kings 6:5
Against the outside walls, on the sides and the back of the Temple, a three-storied annex was built, each story 7 1/2 feet high.
1 Kings 6:6
Each room in the lowest story was 7 1/2 feet wide, in the middle story 9 feet wide, and in the top story 10 1/2 feet wide. The Temple wall on each floor was thinner than on the floor below, so that the rooms could rest on the wall without having their beams built into it.
1 Kings 6:10
The three-storied annex, each story 7 1/2 feet high, was built against the outside walls of the Temple, and was joined to them by cedar beams.
2 Chronicles 3:9
twenty ounces of gold were used for making nails, and the walls of the upper rooms were also covered with gold.
Nehemiah 10:38
Priests who are descended from Aaron are to be with the Levites when tithes are collected, and for use in the Temple the Levites are to take to the Temple storerooms one-tenth of all the tithes they collect.
Nehemiah 10:39
The people of Israel and the Levites are to take the contributions of grain, wine, and olive oil to the storerooms where the utensils for the Temple are kept and where the priests who are on duty, the Temple guards, and the members of the Temple choir have their quarters. We will not neglect the house of our God.
Nehemiah 13:5
He allowed Tobiah to use a large room that was intended only for storing offerings of grain and incense, the equipment used in the Temple, the offerings for the priests, and the tithes of grain, wine, and olive oil given to the Levites, to the Temple musicians, and to the Temple guards.
Jeremiah 35:2
"Go to the members of the Rechabite clan and talk to them. Then bring them into one of the rooms in the Temple and offer them some wine."
Ezekiel 41:6-11
These rooms were in three stories, with thirty rooms on each floor. The Temple's outer wall on each floor was thinner than on the floor below, so that the rooms could rest on the wall without being anchored into it.
And so the Temple walls, when seen from the outside, seemed to have the same thickness all the way to the top. Against the Temple's outer wall, on the outside of the rooms, two wide stairways were built, so that it was possible to go from the lower story to the middle and the upper stories.
The outside wall of these rooms was 8 feet thick; there was one door into the rooms on the north side of the Temple, and one into those on the south side. I saw that there was a terrace 8 feet wide around the Temple; it was 10 feet above the ground and it was level with the foundation of the rooms by the Temple walls. Between the terrace and the buildings used by the priests there was an open space 34 feet across, along the sides of the Temple.
the place
Exodus 25:17-22
"Make a lid of pure gold, 45 inches long and 27 inches wide.
Make two winged creatures of hammered gold,
one for each end of the lid. Make them so that they form one piece with the lid.
The winged creatures are to face each other across the lid, and their outspread wings are to cover it.
Put the two stone tablets inside the Box and put the lid on top of it.
I will meet you there, and from above the lid between the two winged creatures I will give you all my laws for the people of Israel.
Exodus 40:20
Then he took the two stone tablets and put them in the Covenant Box. He put the poles in the rings of the Box and put the lid on it.
Exodus 40:21
Then he put the Box in the Tent and hung up the curtain. In this way he screened off the Covenant Box, just as the LORD had commanded.
1 Kings 6:19
In the rear of the Temple an inner room was built, where the LORD's Covenant Box was to be placed.
2 Chronicles 5:7
Then the priests carried the Covenant Box of the LORD into the Temple and put it in the Most Holy Place, beneath the winged creatures.
Hebrews 9:5
Above the Box were the winged creatures representing God's presence, with their wings spread over the place where sins were forgiven. But now is not the time to explain everything in detail.