Bible Cross References
Genesis 7:1
The LORD said to Noah, "Go into the boat with your whole family; I have found that you are the only one in all the world who does what is right.
Genesis 10:9
By the LORD's help he was a great hunter, and that is why people say, "May the LORD make you as great a hunter as Nimrod!"
Genesis 13:13
whose people were wicked and sinned against the LORD.
2 Chronicles 34:27
and you repented and humbled yourself before me, tearing your clothes and weeping, when you heard how I threatened to punish Jerusalem and its people. I have heard your prayer,
Luke 1:6
They both lived good lives in God's sight and obeyed fully all the Lord's laws and commands.
Romans 2:13
For it is not by hearing the Law that people are put right with God, but by doing what the Law commands.
Romans 3:19
Now we know that everything in the Law applies to those who live under the Law, in order to stop all human excuses and bring the whole world under God's judgment.
Psalm 11:5
He examines the good and the wicked alike; the lawless he hates with all his heart.
Psalm 55:9
Confuse the speech of my enemies, O Lord! I see violence and riots in the city,
Psalm 140:11
May those who accuse others falsely not succeed; may evil overtake violent people and destroy them.
Isaiah 60:18
The sounds of violence will be heard no more; Destruction will not shatter your country again. I will protect and defend you like a wall; You will praise me because I have saved you.
Jeremiah 6:7
As a well keeps its water fresh, so Jerusalem keeps its evil fresh. I hear violence and destruction in the city; sickness and wounds are all I see.
Ezekiel 8:17
The LORD said to me, "Mortal man, do you see that? These people of Judah are not satisfied with merely doing all the disgusting things you have seen here and with spreading violence throughout the country. No, they must come and do them right here in the Temple and make me even more angry. Look how they insult me in the most offensive way possible!
Ezekiel 28:16
You were busy buying and selling, and this led you to violence and sin. So I forced you to leave my holy mountain, and the angel who guarded you drove you away from the sparkling gems.
Hosea 4:1
The LORD has an accusation to bring against the people who live in this land. Listen, Israel, to what he says: "There is no faithfulness or love in the land, and the people do not acknowledge me as God.
Hosea 4:2
They make promises and break them; they lie, murder, steal, and commit adultery. Crimes increase, and there is one murder after another.
Habakkuk 1:2
O LORD, how long must I call for help before you listen, before you save us from violence?
Habakkuk 2:8
You have plundered the people of many nations, but now those who have survived will plunder you because of the murders you have committed and because of your violence against the people of the world and its cities.
Habakkuk 2:17
You have cut down the forests of Lebanon; now you will be cut down. You killed its animals; now animals will terrify you. This will happen because of the murders you have committed and because of your violence against the people of the world and its cities.
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