Bible Cross References
Genesis 29:20
Jacob worked seven years so that he could have Rachel, and the time seemed like only a few days to him, because he loved her.
Song of Songs 8:6
Close your heart to every love but mine; hold no one in your arms but me. Love is as powerful as death; passion is as strong as death itself. It bursts into flame and burns like a raging fire.
Isaiah 62:4
No longer will you be called "Forsaken," Or your land be called "The Deserted Wife." Your new name will be "God Is Pleased with Her." Your land will be called "Happily Married," Because the LORD is pleased with you And will be like a husband to your land.
Genesis 41:20
The thin cows ate up the fat ones,
Numbers 22:15
Then Balak sent a larger number of leaders, who were more important than the first.
1 Samuel 22:14
Ahimelech answered, "David is the most faithful officer you have! He is your own son-in-law, captain of your bodyguard, and highly respected by everyone in the royal court.
2 Kings 5:1
Naaman, the commander of the Syrian army, was highly respected and esteemed by the king of Syria, because through Naaman the LORD had given victory to the Syrian forces. He was a great soldier, but he suffered from a dreaded skin disease.
1 Chronicles 4:9
There was a man named Jabez, who was the most respected member of his family. His mother had given him the name Jabez, because his birth had been very painful.
Isaiah 3:3-5
their military and civilian leaders, their politicians and everyone who uses magic to control events.
The LORD will let the people be governed by immature boys.
Everyone will take advantage of everyone else. Young people will not respect their elders, and worthless people will not respect their superiors.
Isaiah 5:13
and so you will be carried away as prisoners. Your leaders will starve to death, and the common people will die of thirst.
Isaiah 23:8
Who was it that planned to bring all this on Tyre, that imperial city, whose merchant princes were the most honored men on earth?
Isaiah 23:9
The LORD Almighty planned it. He planned it in order to put an end to their pride in what they had done and to humiliate their honored ones.
Acts 13:50
But the Jews stirred up the leading men of the city and the Gentile women of high social standing who worshiped God. They started a persecution against Paul and Barnabas and threw them out of their region.
Acts 17:12
Many of them believed; and many Greek women of high social standing and many Greek men also believed.
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