Bible Cross References
Genesis 25:27-34
The boys grew up, and Esau became a skilled hunter, a man who loved the outdoors, but Jacob was a quiet man who stayed at home.
Isaac preferred Esau, because he enjoyed eating the animals Esau killed, but Rebecca preferred Jacob.
One day while Jacob was cooking some bean soup, Esau came in from hunting. He was hungry
and said to Jacob, "I'm starving; give me some of that red stuff." (That is why he was named Edom. )
Jacob answered, "I will give it to you if you give me your rights as the first-born son."
Esau said, "All right! I am about to die; what good will my rights do me?"
Jacob answered, "First make a vow that you will give me your rights." Esau made the vow and gave his rights to Jacob.
Then Jacob gave him some bread and some of the soup. He ate and drank and then got up and left. That was all Esau cared about his rights as the first-born son.
Judges 15:3
Samson said, "This time I'm not going to be responsible for what I do to the Philistines!"
2 Samuel 13:23-29
Two years later Absalom was having his sheep sheared at Baal Hazor, near the town of Ephraim, and he invited all the king's sons to be there.
He went to King David and said, "Your Majesty, I am having my sheep sheared. Will you and your officials come and take part in the festivities?"
"No, my son," the king answered. "It would be too much trouble for you if we all went." Absalom insisted, but the king would not give in, and he asked Absalom to leave.
But Absalom said, "Well, then, will you at least let my brother Amnon come?" "Why should he?" the king asked.
But Absalom kept on insisting until David finally let Amnon and all his other sons go with Absalom. Absalom prepared a banquet fit for a king
and instructed his servants: "Notice when Amnon has had too much to drink, and then when I give the order, kill him. Don't be afraid. I will take the responsibility myself. Be brave and don't hesitate!"
So the servants followed Absalom's instructions and killed Amnon. All the rest of David's sons mounted their mules and fled.
Job 13:4
You cover up your ignorance with lies; you are like doctors who can't heal anyone.
Job 13:7
Why are you lying? Do you think your lies will benefit God?
Psalm 12:2
All of them lie to one another; they deceive each other with flattery.
Proverbs 12:13
The wicked are trapped by their own words, but honest people get themselves out of trouble.
Proverbs 12:18-20
Thoughtless words can wound as deeply as any sword, but wisely spoken words can heal.
A lie has a short life, but truth lives on forever.
Those who plan evil are in for a rude surprise, but those who work for good will find happiness.
Proverbs 24:28
Don't give evidence against others without good reason, or say misleading things about them.
Proverbs 24:29
Don't say, "I'll do to them just what they did to me! I'll get even with them!"
Proverbs 26:24-26
A hypocrite hides hate behind flattering words.
They may sound fine, but don't believe him, because his heart is filled to the brim with hate.
He may disguise his hatred, but everyone will see the evil things he does.
Isaiah 59:13
We have rebelled against you, rejected you, and refused to follow you. We have oppressed others and turned away from you. Our thoughts are false; our words are lies.
Micah 7:2
There is not an honest person left in the land, no one loyal to God. Everyone is waiting for a chance to commit murder. Everyone hunts down their own people.
Romans 12:19
Never take revenge, my friends, but instead let God's anger do it. For the scripture says, "I will take revenge, I will pay back, says the Lord."
1 Thessalonians 5:15
See that no one pays back wrong for wrong, but at all times make it your aim to do good to one another and to all people.
Matthew 28:13
and said, "You are to say that his disciples came during the night and stole his body while you were asleep.
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