Bible Cross References
And the
Genesis 3:5
God said that because he knows that when you eat it, you will be like God and know what is good and what is bad."
Deuteronomy 28:34
Your sufferings will make you lose your mind.
2 Kings 6:20
As soon as they had entered the city, Elisha prayed, "Open their eyes, LORD, and let them see." The LORD answered his prayer; he restored their sight, and they saw that they were inside Samaria.
Luke 16:23
and in Hades, where he was in great pain, he looked up and saw Abraham, far away, with Lazarus at his side.
Genesis 3:10
He answered, "I heard you in the garden; I was afraid and hid from you, because I was naked."
Genesis 3:11
"Who told you that you were naked?" God asked. "Did you eat the fruit that I told you not to eat?"
Genesis 2:25
The man and the woman were both naked, but they were not embarrassed.
and they
Job 9:29-31
Since I am held guilty, why should I bother?
No soap can wash away my sins.
God throws me into a pit with filth, and even my clothes are ashamed of me.
Isaiah 28:20
You will be like the person in the proverb, who tries to sleep in a bed too short to stretch out on, with a blanket too narrow to wrap himself in.
Isaiah 59:6
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