Bible Cross References
Genesis 19:2
and said, "Sirs, I am here to serve you. Please come to my house. You can wash your feet and spend the night. In the morning you can get up early and go on your way." But they answered, "No, we will spend the night here in the city square."
Genesis 21:14
Early the next morning Abraham gave Hagar some food and a leather bag full of water. He put the child on her back and sent her away. She left and wandered about in the wilderness of Beersheba.
Genesis 22:3
Early the next morning Abraham cut some wood for the sacrifice, loaded his donkey, and took Isaac and two servants with him. They started out for the place that God had told him about.
Genesis 31:55
Early the next morning Laban kissed his grandchildren and his daughters good-bye, and left to go back home.
Genesis 14:22
Abram answered, "I solemnly swear before the LORD, the Most High God, Maker of heaven and earth,
Genesis 21:23
So make a vow here in the presence of God that you will not deceive me, my children, or my descendants. I have been loyal to you, so promise that you will also be loyal to me and to this country in which you are living."
Genesis 21:31
And so the place was called Beersheba, because it was there that the two of them made a vow.
Genesis 21:32
After they had made this agreement at Beersheba, Abimelech and Phicol went back to Philistia.
Genesis 25:33
Jacob answered, "First make a vow that you will give me your rights." Esau made the vow and gave his rights to Jacob.
Genesis 31:44
I am ready to make an agreement with you. Let us make a pile of stones to remind us of our agreement."
1 Samuel 14:24
The Israelites were weak with hunger that day, because Saul, with a solemn oath, had given the order: "A curse be on anyone who eats any food today before I take revenge on my enemies." So nobody had eaten anything all day.
1 Samuel 20:3
But David answered, "Your father knows very well how much you like me, and he has decided not to let you know what he plans to do, because you would be deeply hurt. I swear to you by the living LORD that I am only a step away from death!"
1 Samuel 20:16
may our promise to each other still be unbroken. If it is broken, the LORD will punish you."
1 Samuel 20:17
Once again Jonathan made David promise to love him, for Jonathan loved David as much as he loved himself.
1 Samuel 30:15
"Will you lead me to those raiders?" David asked him. He answered, "I will if you promise me in God's name that you will not kill me or hand me over to my master."
Hebrews 6:16
When we make a vow, we use the name of someone greater than ourselves, and the vow settles all arguments.
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