Bible Cross References
Acts 25:10
Paul said, "I am standing before the Emperor's own judgment court, where I should be tried. I have done no wrong to the Jews, as you yourself well know.
Acts 6:13
Then they brought in some men to tell lies about him. "This man," they said, "is always talking against our sacred Temple and the Law of Moses.
Acts 6:14
We heard him say that this Jesus of Nazareth will tear down the Temple and change all the customs which have come down to us from Moses!"
Acts 23:1
Paul looked straight at the Council and said, "My fellow Israelites! My conscience is perfectly clear about the way in which I have lived before God to this very day."
Acts 24:6
He also tried to defile the Temple, and we arrested him.
Acts 24:12
The Jews did not find me arguing with anyone in the Temple, nor did they find me stirring up the people, either in the synagogues or anywhere else in the city.
Acts 24:17-21
"After being away from Jerusalem for several years, I went there to take some money to my own people and to offer sacrifices.
It was while I was doing this that they found me in the Temple after I had completed the ceremony of purification. There was no crowd with me and no disorder.
But some Jews from the province of Asia were there; they themselves ought to come before you and make their accusations if they have anything against me.
Or let these who are here tell what crime they found me guilty of when I stood before the Council---
except for the one thing I called out when I stood before them: 'I am being tried by you today for believing that the dead will rise to life.' "
Acts 28:17
After three days Paul called the local Jewish leaders to a meeting. When they had gathered, he said to them, "My fellow Israelites, even though I did nothing against our people or the customs that we received from our ancestors, I was made a prisoner in Jerusalem and handed over to the Romans.
Acts 28:21
They said to him, "We have not received any letters from Judea about you, nor have any of our people come from there with any news or anything bad to say about you.
Genesis 40:15
After all, I was kidnapped from the land of the Hebrews, and even here in Egypt I didn't do anything to deserve being put in prison."
Jeremiah 37:18
Then I asked, "What crime have I committed against you or your officials or this people, to make you put me in prison?
Daniel 6:22
God sent his angel to shut the mouths of the lions so that they would not hurt me. He did this because he knew that I was innocent and because I have not wronged you, Your Majesty."
2 Corinthians 1:12
We are proud that our conscience assures us that our lives in this world, and especially our relations with you, have been ruled by God-given frankness and sincerity, by the power of God's grace and not by human wisdom.