Bible Cross References
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2 Chronicles 33:12-24
In his suffering he became humble, turned to the LORD his God, and begged him for help.
God accepted Manasseh's prayer and answered it by letting him go back to Jerusalem and rule again. This convinced Manasseh that the LORD was God.
After this, Manasseh increased the height of the outer wall on the east side of David's City, from a point in the valley near Gihon Spring north to the Fish Gate and the area of the city called Ophel. He also stationed an army officer in command of a unit of troops in each of the fortified cities of Judah.
He removed from the Temple the foreign gods and the image that he had placed there, and the pagan altars that were on the hill where the Temple stood and in other places in Jerusalem; he took all these things outside the city and threw them away.
He also repaired the altar where the LORD was worshiped, and he sacrificed fellowship offerings and thanksgiving offerings on it. He commanded all the people of Judah to worship the LORD, the God of Israel.
Although the people continued to offer sacrifices at other places of worship, they offered them only to the LORD.
Everything else that Manasseh did, the prayer he made to his God, and the messages of the prophets who spoke to him in the name of the LORD, the God of Israel, are all recorded in The History of the Kings of Israel.
The king's prayer and God's answer to it, and an account of the sins he committed before he repented---the evil he did, the pagan places of worship and the symbols of the goddess Asherah that he made and the idols that he worshiped---are all recorded in The History of the Prophets.
Manasseh died and was buried at the palace, and his son Amon succeeded him as king.
Amon was twenty-two years old when he became king of Judah, and he ruled in Jerusalem for two years.
Like his father Manasseh, he sinned against the LORD, and he worshiped the idols that his father had worshiped.
But unlike his father, he did not become humble and turn to the LORD; he was even more sinful than his father had been.
Amon's officials plotted against him and assassinated him in the palace.
Luke 17:34-37
On that night, I tell you, there will be two people sleeping in the same bed: one will be taken away, the other will be left behind.
Two women will be grinding meal together: one will be taken away, the other will be left behind."
The disciples asked him, "Where, Lord?" Jesus answered, "Wherever there is a dead body, the vultures will gather."
Luke 23:39-43
One of the criminals hanging there hurled insults at him: "Aren't you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!"
The other one, however, rebuked him, saying, "Don't you fear God? You received the same sentence he did.
Ours, however, is only right, because we are getting what we deserve for what we did; but he has done no wrong."
And he said to Jesus, "Remember me, Jesus, when you come as King!"
Jesus said to him, "I promise you that today you will be in Paradise with me."
1 Corinthians 4:7
Who made you superior to others? Didn't God give you everything you have? Well, then, how can you boast, as if what you have were not a gift?
2 Peter 2:5
God did not spare the ancient world, but brought the flood on the world of godless people; the only ones he saved were Noah, who preached righteousness, and seven other people.
2 Peter 2:7-9
He rescued Lot, a good man, who was distressed by the immoral conduct of lawless people.
That good man lived among them, and day after day he suffered agony as he saw and heard their evil actions.
And so the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trials and how to keep the wicked under punishment for the Day of Judgment,